
Why do we have nerves for our teeth?

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The painful knowledge, of a tooth ache, does little good and it seems as if biologically we are being punished.




  1. what you believe is right :]

  2. We have nerves in our teeth for several reasons.   For one,  each tooth is alive,  and therefore needs oxygen and nutrients brought to it through the bloodstream,  so each tooth has at least one nerve running up into it to feed it.  

    Also,  the presence of pain helps to alert you when something is wrong,  just like a stomach ache tells you something is wrong there,  a toothache tells us we have an infection or decay or other issue that needs to be taken of before our whole jaw becomes diseased.

    Toothaches are not fun,  but they have pain alerts and nerves for nourishment like the rest of the body.

  3. Because they are alive.

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