
Why do we have other planets/celestial bodies...?

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Whats the reason of their existance?

Is it so we wonder in awe...that Allah (swt) created this...there is a creator. Because i sure am in awe.

I know that they have a gravitational effect on earth etc so are they just here for the earth to have rotational stability?

If there is life on this planet and it is made to be home to us, could there be potential life in other planets...what stance does celestial bodies have in islam? i know that they are mentioned in the Qur'an describing the orbit of planets.

Do you believe that there is extra-terrestial intelligence (aliens) out there or do you think its a load of c**p?

Do you ever find yourself wondering if the universe is so vast then what might it possess besides planets, etc? What do you think the universe holds?

Assalamu alaikum wb




  1. i think its mainly for us to admire and is also proof that allah can do anything and many things are beyond our reach.

  2. i don't think there are aliens but maybe there are life forms like bacteria and amoebas and that kind of life on other planets.

  3. The Qur'an describes the orbit of planets?  That's too cool!  Those Arab types were so far out ahead of the Europeans 1000 years ago.  The Europeans mucked around with the theory of concentric spheres for a long time - apparently they made nice music though.

    Probably everything's floating around out there in the Universe.  Might be whole galaxies made of anti-matter  - or dark matter - or just pretty dirty matter.  Could be a whole galaxy made just from washing machines or Chrysler shift k***s.  Who knows?!  

    What fun to think about - and the only way we'll ever get to fly through space to distant galaxies is in our imaginations.  So get busy imagining!

  4. Nothing that Allah swt created is a load of **** that u said. Everything is there for a reason. It shows us the countless boundaries of Allah swt, the sun, the moon the stars.......etc.......all act according to His will

    and Muhammad and Zahra are rite

  5. Rumor (on Coast to Coast radio, anyway) was that there was some type of life form found on Mars (a microbe, maybe, or some such nonsense). It's supposed to be announced shortly before the election, if I'm not mistaken (anyone else who heard that program, jump in here if I'm wrong).

    I'll believe it when the little green men pull into my driveway. I'm puttin' the Schnauzer on 'em.

  6. [16:16] And landmarks, as well as the stars; to be used for navigation.  

  7. Well i think its to show gods greatness.  

    How about the 1-billion light year gap they found.  There is a stretch of space that would take 1 billion years for light to travel across where there is absolutely nothing.  

    Oh, and jupiter is like a shield.   Without jupiter, we would get hit by asteroids and comets a lot more often.  

    THe moon actually slows the rotation of the earth.....We'd have about an 8 hour day right now if there was no moon.   Its also responsible for the tides.  

    I don't think there is much out there that we don't know of, but I'd love to be able to just travel through space.  

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