
Why do we have pennies?

by  |  earlier

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well i live in MT.. sono sales tax.. which is supernice!

but c'mon

pennies are so annoying! and if you just toss them you loose alot of money!

is this how the government plans to get money slowly out of circulation?




  1. Its interesting in actually takes more than a penny to make a penny. How whacky is that!

  2. We need them.  Yesterday I bought a shirt for $4.99.  How would I pay 99 cents without pennies?

  3. i save pennies......i hit the pavement for a penny...i know it sounds dumb, but i have cans of them and just keep filling more of them up.....i figure the grand kids can have them some day.....

  4. we keep the penny so that we can pay exact prices for purchases, which helps to battle higher prices/inflation.

    many charities get them for collection.

    americans are very nostalgic about pennies.

    although, the metal that makes up a penny is worth more than 1 cent, so they cost more to make then they are worth.

  5. I like pennies. I use them for bingo and cash them into coin star.

  6. people like to pay exact change

    especially if they ahve sales tax!

    but for what ever reason dont toss em!

    instead have a jar, in your car, buy your door, in the laundry room.. or where ever you think best...

    and put all of the change or pennies you find/have and put them in it.

    then at the end of the month/year/w/e take it out and count it up adn buy something nice for yourself!

    i once got $40 in one month!!

  7. cause a lot of govt officials come from IL. and a lot of misinformed people view the tyrant lincoln as a hero in the war of northern aggression. he did more wrong than bush but he did it to his own countryand suspended the rights of his own countrymen for his and his cronies own pecuniary agenda, and when obama gets elected he claims IL. to

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