
Why do we have "hollywood magazines"?

by Guest58321  |  earlier

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My wife regularly gets "In Touch" magazine, and she's always checking out the entertainment section of the news. Am I the only person who thinks these things would be better as fire fuel and we would be better off NOT knowing how some moron celebrity spent their money for the day?

It's like someone decided that their life was worthless so they would read about someone elses interesting life and not do anything about their own life. Now millions of sheep are reading these articles and going" OMG did you hear about so-and-so?!" "Hey did you know Angelina and Brad had Twins?!!!!!!"

WHO CARES?! sheep




  1. Who cares.  I agree!  Many people are unhappy with their own lives, or they are bored with their lives so they must look into someone else's.  I prefer a good car magazine any day.  It is sick how reality celebrity oriented America has become.

  2. Because people are so interested in what their "stars" are doing. More interested in other peoples lives so their own lives don't look so bad.

  3. To keep us blind.

    "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good to do nothing."  Powerful words.

    We are being kept ignorant and divided while those in power manipulate our emotions and send us into their wars of profit.  

    Oh, Xenophobia!  How would we ever war without you!?

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