
Why do we have scum bags who play their music loud in trains and place their dirty shoes on seats?

by  |  earlier

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Surely they've been reared by humans..




  1. yummy

  2. Because police don't want lawsuits for discrimination. I agree with you though.

  3. Check your section, man.

  4. youre an idiot! who cares

    sit some where else

  5. It all stems back to parenting and the area in which the persons grow up.

    If they were raised to have no consideration for other people, then that's the way they will act.

    As much as we do not like it, it's most likely going to stay that way forever.

  6. In complete agreement with Josh P, though I love to call them ****...TARDS!!! (alright yahoo will beep it out so here it is f/u/c/k/t/a/r/d/s)

  7. In-breeding, clear and simple.

  8. Lead deficiency.

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