
Why do we have so many maternity laws which encourage women to have children they can't afford?

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And which also contribute to overpopulation of this planet?

Apart from pandering to femmunist propaganda, do these ridiculous laws actually benefit society in any way?




  1. what laws r u on about  

  2. In the U.K. this has become a viable Career option - Produce a child every 15Months or so and everything is provided for you - Housing/Benefits etc.

    The practical reasons encouraging a high Birthrate applicable to 3rd World countries hardly applies here.

  3. Right-wingers want women to have as many babies as possible-they don't support abortion OR birth control being available. They've put many restrictions on birth control availability, and have fought for years against allowing Emergency contraception available in the US. But they could care less what happens to the kids once they're born-and blame the women for having children they can't afford, like you are. As women are facing more and more restrictions on abortion and birth control in the US, feminists almost have to support maternity laws since women are having children whether they want them or not. Don't like it? Do more to support birth control and both men and women taking responsibility for pregnancy. Women aren't making these kids by themselves-they're not all virginal births..

  4. I wish I could figure out whether you're pro-choice or not. You go on about abortion, you go on about welfare moms, you go on about overpopulation. Would you pick a side dammit?

  5. I do not know of any such laws.  But if you are thinking of welfare benefits, those benefits are given so that children do not starve.

  6. "Overpopulation of this planet" what?

    Did you know that all of the people on this planet could fit on a reasonable sized island, standing side by side?

    This planet could easily support 10, 15, and 20 or more times its current population

    It is the incorrect use of resources that is the problem

    People who are determined to be totally selfish regardless of cost, we all need to change, and this starts form the man/woman in the mirror.

    What are you gonna do?

    I know I am and will change, and learn to live in love, as that is the key

  7. Hm-mm..., your cited web page doesn't tell me much or anything at all. Assuming that there are maternity laws out there that encourage women to have children, I would say it is needed if we want to live in this so called "Capitalistic Society".

    Look at Western Europe, Korea, and Japan, you are seeing severe drop in birth rate which is causing panic. There needs to be population growth or stability in growth to allow the economy to grow. Of course, the U.S. may never face this, but we should think that a part of government job is to protect common interest, which, in a part, can be what you would call encouragement. Rather than encouragement, it would be unjust for our government to pressure people from having babies.

    Overpopulation is a rather wrong term or too perfect for this occasion. Funny thing is that overpopulation is epidemic in two senses:

    One: Rather poor countries have higher birth rates than industrialized ones. This is problem when considering the fact that there will definitely be famine.

    Two: As population grow globally, we cannot maintain our natural resources. Also, distribution of capitals will be banished and manipulation is a very likely result.

    I  really don't know what feminists are saying. All I know is that decision to have a baby should be left for each individual to decide. It is a part of freedom what we endure and it is common interest that freedom is unadjusted. I don't think there are laws out there that encourage people to have babies. There are cases where young kids accidentally have babies and decide to keep him/her. I would say that it is still common interest that the government supports whatever the decision an individual or couple make based on this issue. It would also be common interests for the society to help educate about pregnancy and having babies so that there would be less unfortunate situations.

    I can go on and on about this issue (if it is what I think it is), but ultimately, I just don't think your assumptions are accurate.

  8. its natural for women to want babies, if there friends got one, they want one, its a bit like a trophy. have you ever noticed that women always say to other mothers, your babies beautiful- even when there ugly. strange.

  9. I hope if you are ever down and out and in need of a helping hand; no-one ever kicks you in the gut.

  10. Who actually gives birth to the workforce? You make Homer Simpson seem like Stephen Hawking.  If these Maternity Laws did not suit society and the economy do you think they would have been passed.  Look around, women do not rule the world.  Just because a couple of women are moving around the political stage at the moment does not mean that we are in control!

    Trust me when this credit crunch really hits the workplace women will be sent scurrying back into the house, releasing jobs for men!

    And what worries me, is how dumb some of these things are...a woman on average has one child every 9 months yes, in theory, do you know that one teaspoon of sperm is enough to impregnate all the women  in europe, in theory, so who should tie a knot in it! D'oh!?

  11. Do you really know what you are talking about?  We need to keep reproducing to populate the planet, don't you know in Britain over 60's out number children so what does that tell you, that we need to keep having children.

    As for over populating that is mainly in third world countries where they don't have the resources to stop themselves having children i.e the pill or condoms and so they tend to have bigger families but at the same time they have a higher infantile death rate.

    So tell me what IS the point of your question?

  12. I don't know if you know....but it takes 2 parties to produce a child...well....generally speaking anyway. Why single out only one of the parties?

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