
Why do we have so many white red brown.....what is the main reason??? and what is the differenc?

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between them??




  1. i would say ancient enviroment

  2. God scattered the human race abroad and gave them different languages when they built the tower of Babel.

  3. To find out why we were "originally" labeled differently you would have to go back to each races' heritage and tradition that our ancestors instilled, and passed on. Although, our interior maybe very much the same, there is without a doubt that our exterior is different. But, it is how you interpt the idea of each race. Some may use it to their advantage by realizing that they could get SO much more out of having relationships with ANY race, than those who do not realize the benefits and decide to congregate with their own race only.  Remember, that even if you had a bad experience with any race, do not write them all off, as I said our interior is pretty much the same.

  4. I'm going to guess here.

    My guess is the reason we supposedly have "so many races" is that most people do not read enough.

    We traced the human genome some time ago and it told us there is (1) race on the planet.

    It (we) is/are called Homo Sapien Sapien. That is also our species, the closest other species to us died out about 30 +/- thousands of years ago.

    We probably helped it along to its extinction although I feel certain that our ancestors not only didn't do this on purpose, the didn't even know it was happening.

    We used to use three race designations, even in science. It turns out that we were wrong!

    The good thing about the scientific method is that when new evidence is found to be verified and is contrary to what we thought was the old evidence, we have both the capacity and will to change our mind.

    This ability distinguishes the Liberal from the fundamentalist, popularly referred to by the self-serving term, "conservative", incorrect, of course,  but much more attractive than uninformed, narrow minded, blowhard, and science from religion.

    So, the point is, we now know that we are all, each of us, even white bigots, of the exact same race. You can call it the

    Human Race!

  5. we live in different places have different skin pigment.blacks are dark because they come from africa were there skin need to be dark to protect them from sun,white people are white because they come from europe where its cooler and higher elevation then africa thats why their noses are long and skinny to breath in higher elevations.

  6. Main reason?

    We live in different places and we have different amounts of pigments [melanin] in our skin.


  7. the evolution theory goes like this : humanbeings originated in Africa and moved over to the east and then Russia then over to Canada, north America, south America etc. As you see this journey has taken several thousands of years and depending on the climate, water, air, sunlight, geography (elevation from sea level for example, vegetation etc) all cause the differences. Not to mention the ego to prove who is greater as we see somebody of same genes but in entirely different skin, etc.

  8. location,location,location

  9. Skin pigmentation is a poor indication of ethnic affiliations. Its a response to ultraviolet light levels. Africans and Aborigines both have black and brown skin, but as genetically as far apart as two groups of humans can get.

    Races and subspecies form as groups become separated from the bulk of their species, and primarily breed only with their close neighbours, which establishes a normal genetic profile in one group that is reasonably consistent, and that varies from one population to another. An example would be how the Aborigines colonised Australia with a small founder group, and remained more or less isolated for about 50,000 years. To expect their genetic make up to be essentially the same as other peoples from who they have been separated by about two thousand generations is ridiculous. New species can evolve in that time.

    Racial differences are real, but they are not like a sudden change from one 'type' to another. They are more like a rainbow that fades from one colour to another. Where does red become orange, or orange, yellow? Red is not the same as yellow, even though they are part of the same spectrum.

    Anyone who doesn't believe in 'race', should take a good look at Pygmies. They have some serious biological differences to larger humans, in lifespan and age of menopause. There is no reason humans separated by tens of thousands and years and thousands of miles to be exactly the same.

  10. no diference except looks

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