
Why do we have so much national debt?

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And what is the average person supposed to do?




  1. Because the current members of government have never read the constitution of the United States. They don't realize that it's not the proper role of government to tax the people so they can create programs to support the people who refuse to work. They empty all funds on sending our military to all end of the world where we don't belong. They print a fiat currency out of thin air, and have no gold,silver, or platinum to back up all the fake monopoly money they print. Then, when when we decide to play world police, and we run out of money, they just print more of it making it worth less and less by the day. The average person can do a great service by paying attention on who you vote for. Take a genuine concern for your country and vote for the person you feel can lead us the best.

  2. because of resection

  3. Bottom line...Entitlements!  Social Security, Medicare / Medicaid, Welfare and other Social Programs take up most of the Budget...more so than the Military and everything else that operates the Federal Government which includes Congress, National Parks, NASA, etc.

    The Federal Debt is estimated to hit $9.4Trillion and will only get worse.  Social Security itself has all of it's alleged Surplus spent and secured by Government IOUs.  Those IOUs will need to be repaid by future generation WITH interest!  Talk about mortgaging our childrens's not Military Spending!  See URL below for a breakdown and be enlightened!

    Pastor Farley...I agree with you on some of what you say...wouldn't it be heaven if both the Republican and Democratic Parties banned themselved from the US for the next  100years for the benefit of the country!

    I know personally, that gas prices in the US are still the lowest in the Free Market World.  I've travelled to Asia and Europe and know that prices are much higher.  If the US dollar was tied to this, we should have higher prices than many countries in Europe.

  4. Because nearly all politicians (Rep & Dem's) have no back bone and are in politics simply to advance their own agenda.

    The only thing worse than "the republican presidents war in Iraq" and the republican congress of four years ago is the Democrat congress of today... Ask Harry Reid and Diane Feinstein about all that pork barrell spending they sought to do away with- this current congress has spent more money than any other in American history.

    This has nothing to do with the "resection"... btw is a recesssion, if anything it has caused the current economic problems.

    They are spending my hard earned wages like it is theirs...

    Represenatives purchase votes with my money, while senators who have never ran a city, a bakery, a county, a state, or even a church try to pretend they know how to run a country.

    This type of spending WILL NOT last forever.  With each dollar added to our national debt America's dollar value lowers... This is why gas is so expensive- not because of supply vs. demand.  Its the American dollar vs. the world.

    Its time the voters wake up before we'll be praying for a return to the days where gas was $5 per gallon.

  5. thank the liberals !

  6. Stop electing those who say "see what I did for you?" or "this is what I am going to do for you."

    And START electing those who say "This is what I am going to STOP them from doing to you."

  7. Thank King George and his PNAC handlers.

    The average person is suppose to think before they vote.

    That would be the best place to start.

  8. Because when we dont balance the budget liberal congress members will not cut social programs like welfare.

    But dont worry because they dont hesitate to cut spending to the military, education, and grants to police.

    I feel so safe.

  9. Well, simply because we are spending all our money on the war! Not to mention, our government is not trustworthy with money by ANY MEANS. Yeah, that's basically why.

  10. our government is giving the tax payer money to cooperated American and ending this country run and bring in the new world order. USA is all ready gone and this country to dumb to know it. the only thing we can do is vote out everyone and vote in everyday people in office to save this country. McCain and obama are a lot closer in issue than American think and we Will soon see

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