
Why do we have to concerve energy?

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Isnt it a renewable source? It's like friction, its a natural cause. It will NEVER run out. Will energy run out? Its not like its water or anything




  1. Energy WILL run out.Immagine if we waste all these resources.There is no such thing as "no end" to anything,girl.

  2. the energy we get, a lot is powered by coal and petrol wich are definitely not renewable....we must conserve energy...

  3. We use coal, petrol and oil. Its not renewable so we must conserve them.

    About electricity its making from coal and water. Most sources of energy are not renewable. So we have to do something about it.

    You can get some ideas here,

  4. friction is not a energy it is a force and enrgy never runs out it just changes into other types of useless energy u dont really need

  5. energy is not the problem. the things used to produce energy causes pollution that is why when you save energy, you contribute to lessen pollution.

  6. Because we generate electricity from petroleum natural resources, otherwise known as non-renewable sources of energy.

    We couldn't run this nation with only renewable sources of energy.

    Actually to correct myself, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the benefits of our wasteful technological society, that we all have become accustomed too.

    We could do with renewable sources of energy with plenty of tradeoffs. Like A/C, plastic bags, etc...stuff like that.

  7. To save money to use on better things than wasting energy.

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