
Why do we have to die? Just to make room for new people?

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Why do we have to die? Just to make room for new people?




  1. I seriously don't want to live forever...the idea of being conscious for a thousand year alone would lead me to insanity...imagine eternity.

  2. Well that could be one reason. Also the technology to help us live longer and better lives has still not been developed. Also death is part of the process of evolution.

  3. Aren't you an atheist? Such an odd question.

    It is selfish to want to live forever, move over and let someone else give it a try.

  4. There is a difference between body and soul. Our bodies are mortal, and they will die sometime. Our souls live longer than our bodies, although they, too, can not take too many hits. I always imagine the time between two incarnations as "replenishing".  

  5. We have to die because our bodies give out on us. We are only human, only mortal. It's very easy to destroy the body.

  6. New people come into this world all the time during our life span, so that is not the reason for death at all.

    Death was the consequence of the fall,if Adam and Eve had remained faithful to God then we would not experience death as we know it.

    God bless*

  7. No, we have to die to enjoy life.

    Imagine life like this.

    Always happy with no sadness.

    Always sunny with no cloudiness.

    Always perfect with no mistakes.

    In all these cases you cannot fully enjoy one without the other. Same with life.

  8. I absolutely do want to live forever

  9. The mere thought of living forever is just horrible.

  10. We DON'T have to die, we just have to learn how not to.

    I'm working on it as we speak.

  11. If we don't die the world would burst and eventually no body will have a room (figurative) to live. Death is a necessity for life.

  12. Our bodies die for many reasons, old age, disease, accidents, for whatever the reason, they just do. But it is not our bodies that really matter. It is the soul that continues to live until it completes the work for which it was created. The body then, is simply a housing unit so to speak and will only endure what it will, until it is time for the soul to advance to the next part of the journey.

    What we perceive as ourselves and all the other people that constitute the entire human race, are not actually individual souls but each one a piece if you will, of one whole complete soul. Our work then, during this cycle of reincarnation is to first of all, figure out the purpose of life in the first place and then move on to learning how to participate in that purpose so as to avoid the need to keep living the next life over and over again.

    In reality, with each new life, that we take on in the form of a human being, we are pushed a bit harder towards our own recognition of not only the reality of our condition but what we need to do in reconnecting our own piece to all the other pieces and thus complete this goal.

    I for one never believed that this could possibly be how it all worked. It just seemed way too far out to be the truth. If we reincarnate, why don't we remember it? If I am some how connected to all the other people in this entire world, how come I don't feel it? If we are here for this very purpose, why was it designed as such and how come we don't know it from the very beginning? These questions and so many more just kept coming and I was no longer interested in just taking someones word for it because they thought it sounded good.

    I found a way to get my questions answered and began to realize that until we all get to the point where we start asking questions such as yours, we will only continue to live a new life over and over and over again until we do. For some this might not seem like such a bad thing as we can be a bit uncomfortabe with the idea that once we die we are done. Game over.  But the problem is, with each and every single lifetime we must experience,  along with it will come whatever it takes to awaken us to the reality at hand, and like it or not, it will be with increased pain and suffering until we do.

    Anyway, here is a link to a pretty cool video that describes the process of reincarnation, what it is and how we do it. I hope this helps in answering your question and I wish you the very best!

  13. We get death the old fashioned way, we earn it.

    And we all have an appointment with death, then we face God's judgment.

  14. Makes sense to me. ;)

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