
Why do we have to fight about global warming?

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We all know that someone is right and someone is wrong but we don't need to kill and be complete a**s' do we? Seriously I don't get what the big deal is with being such jerks to prove something that may or may not be.




  1. I don't think a war would begin over this subject.  Mass, senseless killing would be demeaning to those who believe in global warming, who are trying to save people and the world, not kill people.

    It isn't that they want to prove who is wrong or right, but it is an attempt to enlighten others.

  2. They're "fighting" it so the liberals can make a few bucks and feel good about themselves.

  3. This is not about being right or wrong with me.

    The big deal is that it will cause serious economic damage.  The resulting world depression will make the 1930s look like good times.

    I'll be gone by then, my children and grandchildren won't.  To me that's a big deal.

    EDIT - What would cause wars is failing to take action against global warming.  In many poor countries people will flee flooding and food shortages.  National borders won't stop them, and there will be wars.  The US Military is very concerned about the resulting global chaos:

    "Climate Change Poses Serious Threat to U.S. National Security"

  4. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  5. Because one side is a bully and trying to TAKE the other side's money.

  6. Its fake! Im not going to convert my ten ton deisel truck te GREEN MOBEIL! Oh ya, OBAMA IS A CRACK HEAD! I rest my case.

  7. it is human nature unforchaintly 1 of our greatest flaws no war will start mayb a cold war at the most we all always wanna b right

  8. Actually pretty much everyone will agree that the climate changes, what cause arguments is the link between man made co2 and the climate.

    For some reason many people seem to think the science is settled which is certainly is not! Many people seem to be closed minded to other theories or better evidence, but this is because it fits with many peoples beliefs, i,e down with industrialism, save the polar bears (which are not drowning) etc... plus many need to make people belief in man made global warming to keep them selves in work!

    I find it frustrating when people tell me all about man made warming when they know so little about the subject!

    Remember "Those who think they are right know little, those who know a lot stay quiet"

  9. we want people to believe that it is happening so that all of us could do something to quickly slow it down. if we don't slow it down, many humans will die very soon. it is not like we have nothing better else to do then finding issues to argue about for nothing.

  10. It's hard to believe that the cult of global warming has grown bigger than the one called scientology.What in the name of xenu happened to people???!!!

    The reason people are fighting over this is because this is a serious issue.But I don't believe the lie of man-made global warming.I believe that it has the potential to bankrupt our economy based on flawed and overblown data that has been declared nonsense by a substantial portion of the scientific community.

    I also believe that elevated c02 levels are benificial in many ways.Trees grow better,which helps put oxygen into the air,and the food crops grow and produce more food.

    I guess you could label me a skeptic.

  11. its a buncha b.s. to make money  

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