
Why do we have to grow up??why cant we live life like children do???

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why do we have to grow up??why cant we live life like children do???




  1. Who said we cannot? Ofcourse we can, it all has to do with your attitude to life. You can look mat like heavily OR you can look at life lightly, and enjoy it as a child would, everything feeling new and exciting. It's all in yer mind mate..... and it can be done...

  2. if we will grow than only we know the life of  childerns  so only nature tell us otherwise we all r childern till lifr end  so cheer up ur life and lok wtur childern do and curself inthere chilhood life u enjoy again ur life as a child

  3. yes sometimes i to think the same

  4. thats the law of nature, it seems like u r very depressed

    cheer up.

    watever problem u have, it'll be solved.

  5. Because nothing remains unchanged in this universe--nothing stands still.

  6.   In some cases it's a blessing because when you become a adult and someone kicks you around you can kick back!

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