
Why do we have to help Poor people?

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Why do we have to help Poor people?




  1. dude. be compassionate. they are unfortunate and need helping hands. :)


  2. d**n you surly sound like a selfish B***h!!  Don't help, no one is forcing you!

    Usually people help from the goodness of their hearts and b/c they feel sorry for the person.  And would want someone help them if they were in that situation!

  3. why are you a selfish **** idk maybe because it's the right thing  

  4. we dont HAVE to, we help them if we WANT to

  5. because you're a human being just like they are. or maybe you haven't come off the pedestal yet to find that out??? you do it because you do to others what you'd want done to you. it's what is right. or is this concept lost in today's culture?

  6. Well, not everyone agrees it's good to help the poor....

    The nineteenth-century German thinker Friedrich Nietzsche opposed philanthropy on philosophical grounds, connecting it with the idea of the weak sponging off the strong, a view endorsed by many opponents of government welfare programs. Henry Ford held a similar belief, arguing that philanthropy discourages self-reliance and therefore promotes idleness, and that donated time and money should instead be used to make the world do and create more.

    Yet, there are those who are firm believers in noblesse oblige...that it is the duty of those who have (generally the rich) to help those who have not (the poor.)

    Some believe that philanthropy can be a means to build community by growing community funds and giving vehicles. When communities see themselves as being resource rich instead of asset poor, the community is in a better position to solve community problems.

    I say it's simply the right thing to do. No ifs, ands or butts.

    Besides, if you were down on your luck, wouldn't you want someone to help you if you needed and wanted the help? I'd been there as a struggling lone parent and that extra help made all the difference in my family. Now I'm in a position to help others, so I do...and i do it without expectations of getting anything in return.

  7. because if not eventually they eat the rich

  8. You don't.  You can be as selfish as you want.  But if no one does, the government will take your money and do it for you.

  9. If you are a Christian you know the Lord said help the least among you. If you are not a Christian, you would surely want someone to help you if you were down and out with no place to turn, no means of income or housing to feed and clothe yourself or your family. The human race has always survived with the help of others in one way or another, either by parents' nurturing, teachers teaching, or employers hiring. Getting on board is a nice place to be and it gives you a good feeling knowing you helped someone else in this world.

  10. because they are people too and need help. its bad enough people are spitting down on them and judging them. ANYBODY can be poor or out on the streets. so if you don't want Karma to do its thing, its best to have compassion for others, its getting harder and harder to live life nowadays. if i was poor, i would want someone to help me. and i KNOW if you were poor you would want someone to care for you too.

  11. You have to look at it from an open point of view,let's say you were the one who was poor. Now ask us the question........ understand?

  12. You don't have to, but people want to.  It's human nature.

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