
Why do we have to pay for college?

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Think about it. why?




  1. It should be free but it will become more competitive and the haves will have to work harder.

    My parents paid for my undergraduate degree. I'm paying for my graduate degree.

    In this day and age, college should be available to all. There is a real problem with supply. It is frustrating because it's very competitive. (insane competitive)  Lots of great candidates but very few slots in comparison. It's a real problem that will explode if college was available to all.

  2. College is not free because some one has to pay for the time the teachers spend educating your children, the books your children read, the buildings your children get educated in, the food your children eat, the place your children stay.  All of this costs money and someone has to pay for it.

    Now if you are asking why the government does not pay for college for your children, that is because it is not the governments responsibility to educate YOUR children.  No where in the constitution does it say that the government is responsible to educate the population and the founders certainly didn't intend it to be.

    For the Government to pay for College education for all of its citizens it would require more money.  Where would it get this money?  Taxes.  Well now lets say you don't want to tax the "poor," we'll only tax the people who are doing well for themselves, the "privileged" if you will.  Well how much money of theirs should we take?  We all ready take 40% of it.  But they certainly don't need that much money, lets take more.

    Now let me ask you this.  Do you think its right for you to go up to a person and say: "Hey! Because you make more money then me I'm going to take 40% (or more) of it away from you because its only fair."  Of course you wouldn't.  So what makes it fair for the government to take their money for you?

  3. Education provides more value for your kids' future than anything, why should it be free. You have no obligation to pay. I'e seen parents who buy their kids cars but don't pay for college. What you invest in is your choice and you get to live with the consequences!

  4. Because it costs money to run a college.  Those employees there like to get paid.

    If the students didn't pay to attend college, the taxpayers would have to pay.

    Now, what if we had free college for everyone that wants to go paid for by taxpayers.  Wouldn't the people who don't/didn't go to college wonder why they have to pay for the people who do/did?  How is that reasonable?

    Thing is, while going to college is good at the individual level, it's not like high school.  Our society only needs about 24% of the population to have a college degree and we presently have about 33% of the population with a degree.  This leads to a situation where about 28% of colleges graduates have to wander about complaining that they can't find a job that requires their education.

    If college were free, as you propose, we'd have even more people going to college.  Where would all of those people work when they graduate?  We already have 'too many chiefs and not enough indians' going on.

    Then, think about the most lazy, ignorant, slacker you knew in HS.  Do we really want to pay for that person to go to college and waste everyone's time?  The biggest complaint about secondary education is that we're forced to keep students that don't want to (or can't) learn in our classrooms.  Do we really want that situation in our colleges?  We already have a problem in most colleges with "children" coming in and thinking it's "the 13th grade" or a job training program.

    People should pay for their own college education because it makes them appreciate it more.  It encourages them to work harder and get their money's worth.  

    I will not ever accept that there is anyone that can't go to college.  There's a reason I won't accept that.  Anyone that wants to can go to college and get an education.  Anyone that says they can't is making an excuse or is too lazy to make it happen.  Those people would find an excuse not to go if it were free.  We'd then read "why don't we get paid a salary to go to college".

    Life lesson:  things that are worth having aren't free.  If it's free, everyone has one.

  5. It takes more money than you think to operate a college.

  6. Obviously, it takes money to run a college.   The money has to come from somewhere.  Usually, the state government will pay part, but not all, of the cost--that money comes from taxing the citizens of that state (income taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, whatever).  But, the student/student's family is asked to pay part of the load.   This is because the student is receiving the benefit of the college, more so than people who go to work right out of high school--why should they have to pay for someone else, especially since the college education will help the graduate earn more money than someone who had to go to work after high school?  Also, when you pay for something, you tend to value it more than if you were just given it.  (and if the student cannot afford kleenix, tell him to stay healthy and not get a cold.)

  7. You don't always have to pay. In California, if you High School student takes college courses while in high school-then the tuition is FREE! You will only have to pay for books.


  8. because we dont live in switzerland.

    and were american, and notings free here.


  9. Its because it will cost more to the taxpayer as the costs have to be paid by somebody.  


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