
Why do we have to pay so much for gas?

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I am only 12 and I am confused about the gas prices. Please someone help me!




  1. 1. President Bush and his ******* carless 1 Billion+ Spending spree on his war, which has weakened the economy which has made our dollar decrease in value.

    2. Supply and Demand

    3. Fear ;[, when the whole earth has so much oil and we don't even realize,

    4. Attacks on Oil Refineries and the people overseas hate the americans b/c Bush can't mind his own ******* business.

  2. Ask President Bush and all others in his administration who were in favour of the Invasion of Kuwait and Iraq. As a result of this act OPEC countries reduced output and so created a

    greater demand for a lessened output. China and India are rapidly growing countries and require oil as a source of energy.China a million new cars per year???? India not too far behind.Demand has raised the price. War has made it more expensive. This is the Arab  oil producers way to saying to America get out of our land and our business. Outwardly some will support the USA but they control the production taps.

  3. Initially the prices of oil started going up because of

    (1) increased summer demand

    (2) weak economy / weak dollar

    But most of recent oil price rise (from about $100 - $140) are all due to WALL STREET SPECULATORS (wall street greed).

    Good Luck...

  4. Because our government is to stupid to start digging in the U.S in order for us to not depend on other countries and have them act like there is a shortage in supply.

  5. WE need leadership just drive across the border in Mexico and gas is $2.27 a gallon.

  6. oil is running out

    supply and demand

  7. 1. Fear that oil is running out.

    2. People betting that oil prices will rise (speculation).

    3. Attacks on oil-producing refineries.

    4. Rising demand for oil in countries such as India and China.

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