
Why do we have to pay to park in hospitals in the U.K ?

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To visit our sick relatives and friends ?

Disgraceful I think.




  1. um dont u have to in every hospital? wateva idk  

  2. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...PLEASE!

    That's a shame!

    Don't give the US Hospitals, any Ideas!

    Our Biggest problem is Parking at Hospitals..(finding a space...and keeping them 'open', due to many Illegals using the ER's as Doctors offices and then NOT PAYING the Bills!

  3. You have to pay here in the US too. But not in emergency. I know what you are saying though. They charge so much for the patient to just be there. They should give the family a break.

  4. i think it sucks

  5. it is stupid

    but you have to do that in the USA too. it helps pay for stuff, like upkeep of the parking lot, and random matenience kind of things

  6. seems weird to me to pay to park at a hospital that is the first time i heard that  

  7. I don't think that there are many places that that have hospitals that you DON'T have to pay to park.  I know, it's aweful to have to be doing such a dreadful thing and then have to pay to do it on top of that!  Sorry!  =[

  8. I don't know and that seems a little rude and in the United States it is usually free to park...

  9. you have to pay in canada too..well atleast the couple ive been too in toronto.

  10. I heard that Scotland is doing away with the parking fees,but England is still charging ridiculous fees.I need to go to the hospital sometimes twice a week and if my brother drives me,I tell him to drop me off and not bother parking up and paying £4 per hour.It's extortion

  11. Because you are in the U.K.  If you were in the U.S. of A., you would have to pay to park in hospitals in the U.S. of A.

  12. it's the same in ireland you wait two years for a bloody appointment turn up at the hospital wait four hours to be see spend two sec with the doc go back to your car and the machine want 10yo yo's free health care my ***  

  13. goddamn government

  14. It is the same here in America.  I've been visiting my mom for a week now and I am paying $2 or $3.00 to pay for parking.  Really expensive.  However, we did get a  reprieve for the Labor day holiday and Sunday.

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