
Why do we have to replace our toothbrushes every 2 years? Isn't that wasteful?

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  1. opps i replace mine every 2 months if more

  2. You really should replace them once a year and even more if you get sick. Make sure your tooth brush is at least 5 feet away from the toilet or in a drawer, not sitting on the counter, to collect germs, etc.

  3. Ummm...because the toothbrush gets dirty, and starts spreading germs. And two years is way to infrequent, try 6 months at max.

  4. you're kidding right?  i hope you don't wait 2 years to get a new toothbrush.  you should get a new one every 3 months because they have bacteria on them and the bristles get bent, causing it to be less efficient

  5. You know you are kidding! You stinker! Literally.....You are to change it every 3 months! no not wastefull! You know the germ build up?

  6. Two years is a long time.  By then the amount of bacteria would be extreme and not to mention the quality of the bristles!

    You are meant to change them every two or so months, not two years!  Or until the bristles are frayed or not looking so good!

  7. wow the recommend replacing time is 3-4 months unless you have the machine that sterilizes the bacteria that collects on the brush even then 2 years seems an awful long time to wait

  8. actually 2 years of using your toothbrush is very very long long long enough!

    as far as i know, we have to replace our toothbrush evry 3months...

    some toothbrush have "Blue indicator" in the brush... when the blue turns out to color white (same as the other) it means that its time for you to buy another one.


  9. I guess its wasteful but I replace mine about every 3 to 4 months...the bristles wear out to fast and there is that germ thing...ewwww..

  10. I suppose it's cheaper than replacing teeth...

    Soaking a toothbrush in Hydrogen Peroxide,once in a while helps to keep the bristles,bacteria free..

    Every 2-5 years,would be just

  11. Because dear Zilla, Every time you flush the toilet nasty germs flow out in a cloud of mist and get on your toothbrush.  Who wants to have "poopy" teeth! Yuckie!!  As a germ freak, I soak my toothbrush in bleach.


  12. You can get two years out of a toothbrush... do you brush your teeth or have any teeth? Mine are well worn way before two years... more like two to four months.

  13. I change mine every two to three months at the least and always after having a cold.  Toothbrushes are pretty cheap, no need to keep them for 2 years!

  14. I replace mine every 3 months not years.

  15. wastefull I find after two years I turn them around and use the other end, some people just dont care about the earths rescources

  16. If you don't want to, then don't. It's your mouth...what costs more, a new toothbrush or dental work from inadequate brushing and bacterial infections in the mouth?

    Even someone posting silliness/trolling can figure that one out. ☺

  17. If you brush your teeth for at least one minute twice a day, your gums and toungue too, a toothbrush is usually worn out in a few months!

  18. So you don't end up with summer teeth.

  19. It is suggested to replace every 6 months that is why the dentist gives you a new toothbrush when you get your cleaning done.  The old brush will have a lot of bacteria on it from your mouth. And you should always replace your brush after you have had a cold or the flu too.

    You can use old toothbrushes to clean corners in your bathroom and kitchen floor. Any hard to reach areas like tracks in the shower and engine parts.

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