
Why do we have to say "amen" at the end of prayers, can't we just say, "so let it be done"?

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Can't we just say something like "so be it", instead of always saying "amen"?




  1. It's too long.

  2. its traditional and system has been messed up all day!!!

  3. You can say what you want to say, Lion, God knows what you mean...

  4. Why can't you?

    Do it.

  5. Better still. Dont bother praying.

  6. Prayer is your communication with God.  Feel free to end it however you wish.  I'm stuck on "in Jesus' name, amen."  It's how I was taught and I don't see a problem with it.

  7. Isn't amen shorter?

    Check the bible to see if this is okay.

    You don't want any trouble with the big man.

  8. I say "Awomen" has more punch, significance and is more politically correct

  9. Amen, meaning so be it, is of Hebrew origin. The word was imported into the Greek of the early Church from the Jewish synagogue. From Greek, amen entered the other Western languages. According to a standard dictionary etymology, amen passed from Greek into Late Latin, and thence into English.

  10. amen means having an agreement. when you say amen after a prayer, you are agreeing with the prayer wich shows proof you believe in what is being said in the prayer or at the church u say it at.believing agreement.

  11. Actually you don't have to say anything. Amen actually means you're in agreement with the prayer. So it doesn't matter whether you say it out loud or in your head. If you don't agree, then don't think or say it at all. Besides its just letting other ppl know you agreed to it.

    So let it be done.

  12. "By your command!"

  13. "So say we all"

  14. so mote it be. is what everyone SHOULD say

  15. They don't take kindly to modernisers and "so let it be done" is far too 'summer of love' for them.

  16. I prefer "Seacrest, out."

  17. It's the same expect it's shorter. If you want to say it then go ahead, it's not a sin.

  18. Its a hidden homosexual message. Amen = A Men = A Man. Its like saying "Give me a man"

  19. Sure you can...who's stopping you?

  20. amen is so much easier than so mote it be.

  21. You don't have to say anything I thought you can say in your heart?

  22. Because the Judeo-Christian prayer style derives from Egyptian origins.  In ancient Egypt, at the end of a prayer, you would say the name of the Deity that you were directing the prayer towards.  If you were sending a prayer to Isis, you would say "Isis" at the end of the prayer.  If you were sending a prayer to Osiris, you would say "Osiris" at the end of your prayer.  Judaic priestly practices are derived from the Atenist/Amenist cult in upper Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh  Akhenaten.  This is why, amongst other similarities (like prayer and food restrictions), Psalms 104 is taken nearly word-for-word from "The Hymn to the Aten".  In a prayer directed towards Amen (the Deity revered by the Atenist/Amenist cult), you would say "Amen" at the end of it.  After Pharaoh Akhenaten died and Pharaoh Tutankhamen took control of Egypt, he reinstated the traditional religion of Egypt and drove the Atenist/Amenist cult and its priests out of the country towards what is now Israel and Saudi Arabia.

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