
Why do we have to tip at fast food places if they are paid a wage?

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I'm not cheap and I do tip even when I get a take out pizza and I can understand the Sonic drive-in's etc. but as far as McDonalds, etc arent we basically giving the employers a way to not pay their workers fair wages? I know in most restaurants and bars the workers receive a low wage and keep tips. The whole thing is, the employers expect us patrons to pay their workers wages and they lower their overhead. Let them throw a bonus at their employees.




  1. Simple, you don't need to tip at fast-food places (really, any restaurant that does counter service, bars excluded).  For take-away at a sit-down restaurant, 10% is usually more than enough, due to the fact that someone loses money to help prep your order.  However no tipping is required at McD's or even Starbuck's.  I don't tip the chef at a restaurant.  To get a tip, someone needs to come to my table, take my order, refill my water, bring my food, and not expect me to dump my unused food in the trash for them.

  2. Who tips at McD's?? Are there waitresses there? I've never had a waitress at McD's! No, you aren't supposed to tip at fast food joints. Though at Sonic, the kids that bring the food to your car are getting waitress pay, which I think is sad! What kind of tips are they supposed to be making??

  3. McDonald's and such pay at least minimum because it is not customary to tip their employees.

    Places that pay a sub minimum wage are ones where tips are usually given.  I agree, I think they should be paid at least minimum, because the tip I give them should be for a job well done and not subsidizing the payroll

  4. I tip as you do but never at Mc D's, KFC, or that type of fast food eatery.

  5. What makes you think people are expected to tip at fast food places that do not have waitresses.  If you want employers however to pay waitresses in bars and restaurants more money then the costs of the food you eat are going to go up as a result.  Just tip 20% in any situation where there is a waitress, it isn't that big a deal.

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