
Why do we hear rants against pedophiles, but not so much about smokers who are slowly killing their kids with-

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smoke around the house, and in their cars? Are we supposed to forgive the latter form of child abuse?




  1. Yeah, and how about jive man who is boring us to death with his sophomoric questions.

  2. I don't think it's even comparable. With smoking, kids still have a chance to be taken out of that situation, but once a child has been violated, their life is forever changed.

  3. To compare smokers to paedophiles is plain f**king stupid.Smoking is legal,profitable for the tobacco companies & the government,& employes hundreds of thousands of people.If smoking was banned,taxes on other items would have to rise dramatically,to compensate for lost revenue.

  4. The government benefits from tax income from smokers. I'm sure if they could figure out a way of licencing and taxing paedophiles they would do so...

  5. Are you really comparing smokers to pedophiles?  

    Maybe you need to get in touch with reality.

  6. speaking of smoking hows that crack your on?

  7. Pedophiles damage kids emotionally & mentally long term, do not compare the two.

  8. As much as i would never smoke around my kid, im sorry but what pedophiles do is much worse and it inflicts irreparable damage. Smoking around a kid like that is abuse, but you cant compare that to pedophiles

  9. The two cannot be compared.  While smoking around kids should be avoided... comparing this to child molestation, would be like comparing feeding kids candy to child molestation... both candy and smoking should be avoided... but the damage done cannot be compared to sexually abusing a child. The physical and emotional damage that molestation does to a child is far worse than the damage done by second hand smoke. If smoking around children is "child abuse"... then would it be considered child abuse to take your child to a restaurant that has a smoking section?

  10. Pedophilia is number one on the list of egregious child abuses...once a child has been sexually abused their entire life changes for the worse. It engenders feelings of humiliation, doubt, rage, fear and embarrassment/guilt, the child feels it is somehow their fault that this happened to them, that they did something wrong. Smoking is careless and can be dangerous but is far more easily remedied than pedophilia.

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