
Why do we humans have hairy legs and often not feet?

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I have noticed that alot of people seem to have hairly legs but then the hair seems to stop around the ankles.

Is this an evolutionary thing in that because we where shoes we no longer need hair on our feet

I am also aware of how long eviolution takes so thats why I am puzzled about how this has happened in such a short space of time




  1. Human feet have also hair on the top of sole. Some have less some more.

  2. well, my brother actually does have some hair on the top of his feet, but most people don't.  I'm just speculating, but I'm pretty sure that it's evolutionary.  I know that the presence or absence of hair in other places on the body is genetic (like the presence of mid-digital, or the middle section of your finger, hair) and thus varies in the population. over time we evolve so that there is less of a presence of certain genes in the population, and that's probably why we have evolved with less body hair in general, and particularly on the feet... it could also have to do with foot wear, but I'm not sure.  very interesting question though

  3. Yes! And your feet are always in contact with the ground so hair just can't appear there!

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