
Why do we keep coming home to Manila?

by Guest32762  |  earlier

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  1. I was born and raised in Manila and so wherever I go, I will always seek my roots. And compare to the cities in the Philippines, I think Manila has everything. Even compare it to the urban cities in PH.

    Darn...that was a funny cute video!! I suddenly want to go to Manila.=D

  2. there's just no place like home...

  3. The countryside are excellent places to live in. Not Manila.

  4. i stayed in Manila for 4 years. that's because i need to finish my college.

    after that, i never and will never stay in Manila again for more than two weeks at a time.

  5. The place is just bloody happening no matter what anyone says. Its such a unique mix of everything. I personally keep coming back because there's always something to do. Even if you have a small amount of money you can do things or just hang out with real people in your street. In western countries everyone has forgot what it means to socialise with your neighbours where as in the Pines its daily life to talk about anything with your neighbours. That and the shopping,food,sights and not to mention the pretty girls just make it that much better. I know I'll keep going back every chance I get.  

  6. ...coz it's home sweet home.  and while we say manila for some of us we actually mean going home to the philippines.  but since port of entry is NAIA, we just say manila - force of habit, i guess.

  7. 'cause it's just that, it's UNIQUE...

  8. Probably because you enjoy it there. I have recently been to Manila and it was pretty nice there. We stayed at a hotel right across the Baywalk and the view was awesome from our suite. I have been to the Mall of Asia which was pretty huge. There are probably a lot of sights to see there if you are a shopaholic.

  9. :) It's "almost" perfect city. Not too good. Not bad. Like most Pinay, it got the "charm". You will never get enough of it.

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