
Why do we keep coming up with unreasonable things to save the environment?

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I was reading about how eating meat is bad for the environment and we should all be vegetarians. Meat uses some more energy/resources than other foods but really it's food, it's justifiable. There are so many other more obvious things that aren't being mentioned. Foe example, when I moved to the city I noticed that people here don't use clothes lines in summer because it looks bad. Also, fast food is super wasteful. And look at the other dumb things that we buy (like Swiffers). These are things that would be easy to change, unlike undoing million of years of evolving to eat meat.




  1. yup - Fast Food and Swiffers are bad.  However there are LOTS of easy things to do that will save the environment like planting a garden... (and many things will actually save you $ too)

    as far as meat eating goes - Americans eat more meat than they should for health reasons.. I am not saying we all need to be vegetarians by any means BUT we should cut back our meat consumption to smaller portions and some meatless meals...

    the chemicals and growth hormones in meat are linked to many many problems in people - including girls getting their periods earlier and teenage boys developing b*****s!

    the standard meat portion size should be a deck of cards...

    picking WHAT meat to eat is also important - one dead cow feeds more people than 1 dead chicken.   eating too much fish is causing massive problems for our oceans and fisheries...

    if possible buy FREE RANGE EGGS.. much less cruel and much healthier for you and more environmentally friendly..

    you can often buy them at farmers markets if you dont have some laying hens of your own..

    again - LESS meat is the answer not all out vegetarianism...

  2. You've got a good point there.  Lots of people and groups state a problem, and then direct people to take some action in response... whether there is any connection between the action and the problem or not.  (Example from right here:  someone suggested that we do the "round dance" to help save the earth, without making any connection to saving trees or preventing toxic pollution).

    It's scary how many people fall for this nonsense.

    Why do people fall for it, though?  I think it's due to human psychology.  People have a tendency to follow leaders even if they say silly or downright false things, because they value their membership in the group more than what the group's actual position is.

    The only way to fix this is to hold leaders to account, and abandon them if they refuse to correct their errors or show any signs of psychopathic or other personality disorders.  Truth should be the highest value, and anything which stands in the way — be it religious dogma, Political Correctness, or just plain stupidity — needs to be named for what it is, condemned, and left on the trashheap of history.

  3. jhcmcjnch

  4. well cows make up most of the meat also all the animals combined used for meat make a lot methane, they take up space for example the rainforests are being destroyed because cows need room to grow. so if people stopped growing animals we would have more recorces. yet you make a pretty good statement. =)

  5. Lots of things are reasonable.  It's reasonable for me to drive a car to work by myself every day.  Millions do.  It's reasonable to run my air conditioner non-stop 6 months of the year and my heater non-stop the other 6.  It's reasonable to eat what I want, wear what I want, live where I want, go on vacation where I want.  It's reasonable that our houses get bigger and bigger and that we use billions of gallons of water every week to water our lawns and gold courses. It's all reasonable.  And we can keep on doing what's reasonable until the world falls apart around our ears and it's no longer possible to do these things, however reasonable they are. or we can change our ways before it's too late.  That's reasonable too.

  6. Well, I already dont eat beef. Not to save the environment, but because I just dont like it. I dont know how that really could save the environment either. I totally get how you dont know why people are trying to change big stuff like that . Who cares if it doesnt look good when you use a clothes line, it wont be good when 10 years from now the world will be in danger. I think it is up to you whether you like to eat beef and if you think it helps the earth. But there are smaller things that need to be done first. Lets do those small things so our childrens children can live on earth, without there being nothing but busy roads and buildings.

  7. Well the more you buy in to the Envromental movement of today the more you have to be willing to let more little"Green" people tell you what to do. And it will never be good enough for most of them anyhow so why worry.

      Unless you get to be famous and "get the word out" by doing a rock concert or whining and crying in a movie show then you get a free pass.

  8. we have evolved for millions of years to eat small amounts of meat, and not regularly, and eating a lot of meat, especially red meat, is unhealthy.

    in addition, to produce a weight of meat takes a lot more land, water, fertilizers, etc than to produce rice, for instance.

    The reason is what is called food conversion ratio, which is the weight of food a cow, or a fish eats, in order to increase it's weight, this ratio is always greater than 1, and even with the best agricultural methods it is usually above 3.

  9. we need to stop believing all the so called reports on how this or that is so bad for the environment or our health! Here is an example of how special interest groups spread their doom and gloom and get us to spend our hard earned money to support their cause:  TRUE STATEMENT;EVERYONE THAT EATS CARROTS DIES WITHIN 6MONTHS OF THEIR BIRTHDAY.   the true parts of this statement are that everyone dies.... the second true part is that everyone dies within 6 months of their birthday.

    (what is your date of birth and the month? count 6 months ahead and 6months behind) you will die in one of those months in what ever year.)  do you follow me so far..o.k. if you do read on. the above true statement makes it sound like that by  eating carrots you are doomed! So the govern ment issues a statement that carrots are outlawed or to be taxed because thier studies show  that carrots are un healthy because everyone that eats them dies!  we need to wake up to the way so called experts twist the truth just to serve their purposes. Educate your self on how these people work .    Here is another example:  one day you go to store to shop and you buy  things like toilet paper etc. You notice how well stocked the t.p. aisle is and how many choices you have and there is a good price on one brand so you buy several packs thinking that you will be set with t.p for a while.(I know you think I'm crazy but hear me out) Some one on the news that night reports that there is a RUMOR that there is going to be a shortage of t.p. soon.. and you should stock up while you can ... guess what happens? people rush out to stock up CAUSING a shortage..the demand goes up and then the prices go up.. all because of a RUMOR that was spread by the news. We all need to educate our selves and not be sucked in by people or groups that twist the truth just enough to get our hard earned money or take away our freedoms.

  10. The answer is fairly obvious.  Because the goal isn't really to save the environment.  The environmental movement has been hijacked by leftist.  It is now the last refuge of the communist.

    Environmental issues are nothing more than an excuse to increase the power and scope of government control and stamp out freedom.  Show me a proposal by any of the environmental organizations that actually increases individual freedom.  I can't think of a single one.

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