
Why do we keep electing people from the same families?

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Seriously, even for the Eastern Establishment folks (and that includes the Bushes) this is getting out-of-hand. Is MTV going to roll out "Decision 2012: Bloodlines" in a couple years?




  1. cuz there the ones with the money!!!

    imagine where bush would be today if hed av been froma poor nfamily

  2. Laziness

    or maybe Americans seek to be a monarchy or dictatorship

  3. cause they have good ways of saying what they sat

  4. Same reason we have to pick political parties to actually vote. No one votes for the person, just the party. It shows how lame our people have become.

  5. roosevelts, bush, clintons (trying to at least).  powerful families back their offspring.

  6. It does make you wonder.  But it's nothing new, either.  First we had President John Adams and his grandson, President John Quincy Adams. Then came President William Henry Harrison and his grandson, President Benjamin Harrison.  Benjamin  won the Presidency in 1888 with a minority of the popular vote because of the Electoral College.  Sound familiar?

    Then came President Theodore Roosevelt, followed by his distant cousin, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  By "distant", I mean there was a clan distance--they were not close at all.  But still, the clan had a high percentage of wealth and privilege.

    You also have some failed also-rans. President William Howard Taft was a one-term President who then became Chief Justice. He was the son of Secretary of War Alphonso Taft.  William Howard Taft's son, Howard A. Taft, was a U.S. Senator that lost his bid for the Presidency in 1952.

    We do have a political aristocracy, to some extent. Consider former Florida Governor John Ellis "Jeb" Bush, George's smarter brother.  Perhaps he will run for President in the future.

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