
Why do we keep on Worshipping the Gods/Goddess?

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If every thing is in Gods hand and he still let our children die with Natural diseases/disasters/poverty.Why should we keep on worshipping a murderer.Mind Gods/Goddess are most powerful being and they can

do any thing.




  1. Its mankind that causes these things not your chosen God/Goddess

  2. before man understood the working of the universe we attributed natural forces to deities.  Education for the masses was not instituted until very recently in the human calendar. From about 400 CE until the 1700's most people were illiterate and relied on the church for all their information.

    People want to believe that they are being rewarded or punished by a god or goddess rather than accept responsibility for their own fate.

  3. It is humans that create war and poverty.

    And it is the God(dess) that loves us all so much as to grant us our freewill.

    And death is just a part of life. Life is a journey, and death is just another part of life.

  4. Humans are the great organisers of chaos, we like patterns, things we can predict but also subtleties that we cannot. Having a parental figure, a God or Goddess, gives the sense of there being a universal order, of being part of something great and big, and after all, that's what all want to be, a part of a family.

  5. I honour the Gods and Goddesses because the are alive and well and have done much for me.  The Gods have better things to do than to make this world free from disease and death and what not.  Sure, they help out, but they're not here to babysit.  We as people need to take care of ourselves.

  6. the gods do actualy have other things to do e.g. smoke weed and create a univers

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