
Why do we keep talking about the hollocaust and not the 2 million poeple that have diesd in iraq??

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donald....your answer is retarded......

iran wants to wipe israel off the kill htere kids first is that what you said......

moron..listen to yourself....




  1. What you don't realize is this:

    In World War 2, that nations of the world ALLOWED Hitler to kill 6 million Jews and many other people as well, because we said, "That's not our war.  We should not get involved."  

    For years, we ALLOWED Saddam to kill millions of innocent people in Iraq.  Sometimes, when the U.S. goes into a country and we don't all really understand why, it is because we want to try to stop the same thing from happening there.

    The reason there is still fighting in Iraq is because other nations that also have Hitler type governments want us to leave, because they do not want any democracies or free nations among them.  They want to impose their own will over people.  It is not so much Iraqi citizens who keep attacking.  These people risked their lives for the chance to vote!  It is their enemies we are trying to keep at bay so their new government can grow strong enough to protect them.

    So.... we need to be reminded of the millions that are killed when the world stands by and lets people like Hitler and Saddam have their way.  Sadly, every generation has this same argument over and over.  Sadly, in every generation, madmen rise to power and slaughter helpless millions.  

    So... should we just stand by and let that happen?  No, we should not.  Nor should the world community.  Perhaps if we were all working together, this was would already be over.

  2. Yet despite all of this ... Hussein was able to enrich himself, build himself palaces all over Iraq, rebuild his army, and support terrorist groups including Al-Qaida.

    He managed all of this while his own people were starving, going without medicine (until coalition military medical units arrived five years ago), and going without potable water.

    Coalition troops found several dozen gold-laced palaces that Hussein had built for himself.   Still want to blame the rest of the world for something that was largely Saddam's doing?


  3. I totally agree with Donald's answer! You think it's retarded because you lack the intelligence to know any better.

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  4. You need to read the real reason why the first holocaust was done and you will find the gulf wars do not fit that criteria whatsoever.

  5. Because there were over 2 million Jews killed during the Holocaust...And believe it or not, this is completely different. The U.S. is not trying to commit genocide, unlike the n**i's back then....Get your facts.

  6. Talk is cheap.

    We went through two wars, an occupation, and now supporting a new democracy to save these people from the monster that was killing them before, and the various smaller monsters, like Zarqawi (remember him?).

    Saddam was even using poison gas to exterminate the Kurds, while trying to get his insane little hands on a nuclear bomb. Yes, that was proven, with the yellow cake stuff found in large quantities in Iraq, being quietly taken to Canada for reprocessing recently.

    Do not buy into the liberal childish c**p that makes it somehow sound like we were the ones who killed these people. That is doing a great disservice and shows total disrespect for the thousands of our soldiers who have died or were wounded for the security and freedom of the Iraqi people.

    The holocaust happened. It is not, as Al Jazeera, Ahmadinejad, Bin Laden and other Arab and Persian wackos would have you believe.

    These people would do it again, and the Iranian government has already said that they want to wipe Israel "off the Earth". This is obviously the purpose of the nuclear bombs they are trying to make.

    Genocide is, was, and will always be the greatest crime in human history.

  7. Cuz instead of talking about it, we went in an removed the sonuvabitch that did it?

  8. dean you are a r****d. those people dying have nothing to do with the united states. saddam hussein killed all those people. he tested newly developed chemical weapons on people in his own country. i was on a base that saddam had the original inhabitants build for him and then he killed them...all of them.

    you are such a cake eater.

  9. 1. The Holocaust is over and the numbers aren't going to change.

    2. The Holocaust was the systematic murder of millions at a government level. Its not just the number of people that were killed that is the most shocking to be honest... its the way it was done.  (its estimated that 50 million people died during WW2, only around 6 million in the death camps. How often are the other 42 million deaths discussed?)

    3. All wars and all deaths are discussed and are written about in the history books, but in order for them to stand out from all the others there needs to be a reason. This goes back to the Holocaust (it stands out because of the methods used and all the on going arguements that it didn't happen, which btw is ridiculous since it was filmed, there were witnesses from many countries, and there is a paper trail)

  10. Your 2 million figure is a worst-case scenario. Most counts put the figure at a couple of hundred of dead.

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