
Why do we lean to one side as we turn in a car?

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Newtons first law of motion




  1. If the velocity of an object is a constant (and zero is a constant so don't get confused), then the net force acting on that object is zero.

    Newton's first law says that the sum of all the forces are equal to zero. So basically it just means that everything is in equilibrium. So when you hit that airbag your face is pressing against that airbag and that airbag is actually pushing you back. So at the instant that your face is forced onto that airbag, your forces are in equilibrium. If it wasn't then your face would basically fall and hit that steering wheel. So airbags are created with enough force so that you don't get "hit" like a rock or they don't make it too weak so that you overcome the force of the airbag. Same thing for the seatbelts and head rests.

    For example when your leaning forward with the seatbelt on, your applying force and the belt applys the same force back and you "experience" equilibrium which is like your hanging on the belt.

    If you're resting your head on the head rest, then your also in equilibrium.

    Anything at rest will stay at rest, unless acted upon by a force. That's obvious.

    The second part is a little trickier to understand at first.

    Anything in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by a force. In other words, it takes a force to make an object's velocity change. If you start a ball rolling, and it slows down and stops, that's because there is a force acting on it. We know this force to be friction.

  2. Centrivical force

  3. Centrifugal force pulls you to the outside of the turn.

  4. The force Luke.

  5. Inertia - any object in motion wants to stay in motion in a single direction. Your car turning is changing your motion so your body resists causing you to lean. I lean into the turn because I race and the more weight in the direction of the turn the easier it is for your car to turn.

  6. i like to lean back

  7. I lean all the time...

  8. Comfort.

  9. common sense?? lean with rock with it.

  10. beacause of the gravity thats pulling you with the force of the vehicle's mass

  11. center of gravity? or to look gangsta? lol jk

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