
Why do we let Israel get away with such evil?

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  1. Because everythings all F'd up right now...bad.

  2. It's all down to the influence powerful Jews in high positions historically have in American business and government. America will never do anything to upset Israel because of this.

    It's also amazing how we are continually reminded of the atrocities inflicted on Jews throughout history, most obviously during the Holocaust, and most of us will sympathise and agree this was the darkest hour in human history. But in the middle-east now Israel is killing, displacing, starving, intimidating millions of poor Arabs, crippling their economies...essentially  inflicting  humanitarian  atrocities  akin  to  a  more  subtle  and  protracted  holocaust  (though  obviously  not  as  calculated  and  organized  as  the  n**i holocaust)  and  yet  in  their  eyes  it's  completely  justified.  It's  the  biggest  case  of  hypocrisy  I  can  think  of.

  3. Israel is i'm afraid, fast becoming seen as the Faschist State of the Middle East!! [ironically] Their crooked leaders are un-caring and cruel. The always over react to any situation by bombing, bombing , stealing land and then follow it up with more bombing!! They care nothing for the lives of innocent women, children, honest farmers and decent folks among Palestinians & Lebonese who are just trying to live their lives and feed their families. Shame on Israel, they get away with it because of US support.  

  4. Israel is doing to Palestinians what the n***s did to jews in WW2. They are Americas battle troops in the middle east so are protected despite having broken several UN resolutions. The whole thing stinks!

  5. Because we probably pay for this evil to happen..

  6. Hmmm...reviewing your questions and answers is a little disturbing.

    It is obvious that you are not an American, or even from a country allied with America.

    You probably are also a Holocaust denier.

    Why do you hate the Jews and Israelis so much?

    Try a little independent research. The Holocaust DID happen. One of my uncles was with the army units that liberated Bergen-Belsen. Concentration and death camps did exist, and there are museums at their sites now.

    Back to your question. Are you equating suicide murderer/bombers to buffer zones? Do you have any value for human life?

    Israel has been through 4 wars for its very existence. It has given back most of the land it has taken in these wars already, to people that would rather see them all dead.

    Do you know what rockets are? How about mortars? Do you know about weapon range for homemade weapons of this type?

    For so many military installations in such an area, the media reporter is obviously leaving out that area's history.

    No one puts defences and bases in an area like that without reason, but security reasons mean that you can NOT blurt out these reasons to an obviously biased reporter. Bases and defences cost a lot of money. What were those people doing there, before?

    Hmmm...a free honey bee farm...sounds pretty good, for a community that appears to be hiding a violent past.

    Learn to do some independent research, without searching for reasons to hate.

  7. I would not call it evil because the Israelis help the Palestinians to some degree.  The Israelis should do more.

  8. because the Zionists banking dynasties  own the US, UK etc.

    an even better question would be  why are they allowed away with their involvement in the false flag attacks of 9/11, 7/7 etc?

  9. Israel is a very small country surrounded by people who have pledged to completely wipe them off the face of the earth, they have their backs to the wall and wont allow that to happen, Iran is getting ready to get a bloody nose soon over therir  developing a nuclear bomb, Israel wont let that happen.

  10. It's not just the Jews - everybody's taking idiot pills over there.

    Several years ago, the jews moved out of a settlement in the West Bank and left a million-dollar greenhouse there that the Palestinians could have used to start a profitable flower-growing business supplying Europe.

    The Palestinians WRECKED the place instead.

    Sooner or later, somebody's going to have to get out of this 'last man standing' rut that they've dug for themselves and start thinking if the Middle East is to have a future.

  11. Israel is surrounded by fanatics who's only reason for living is to destroy them.  They have figured out early on to swat flys with a sledgehammer not a fly swat. It's the only thing that keeps them safe.

  12. Israel is the only democracy in that part of the world, and it's surrounded by nutcases who don't recognize its right to exist.

    Israel's setting up military bases in Hebron is "evil"?  

    Why don't you consider it "evil" when a Palestinian "suicide bomber" (I prefer the term "homicide bomber," actually) blows up a marketplace full of Israelis?  

    This sort of moral relativism is sick.   I'm tired of people such as yourself equating Israel's occupation of Hebron with Palestinian terror attacks.  

    Actually, it's worse -- you don't equate them.   You actually think what the Israelis are doing is worse.    That makes your attitude even more sick.  


  13. Because "such evil" is not absolute, and is only a fraction of the evil that would have happened hadn't Israel built the separation fence.

    Mind you, the fence is the single major factor for reducing terrorist attacks from the west bank.

  14. Because  they are protected by the US  

  15. Its a shame then we talk about terrorism and how we are doing the most to get rid of it. I dont think so.

  16. The US is pumping millions into their defence accounts.

  17. You can't blame Israel for being paranoid about the Palestinians.

  18. Evil has always been with the world.      What country at some time hasn't contributed a evil act?.       Israel isn't all to blame look to russia.       Guess humanity holds the key to our behaviour.

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