
Why do we let crazy people like this live in America?

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Seriously, I can't stand this witch lady and everything she stands behind.




  1. Because we are a free country and freedom of speech exists.

    Unfortunately, people like that lady take advantage of it and give it a bad name. We have brilliant writers come out of it and Idiots/hyprocrites come out of it.

    Win big and Lose badly. :/

  2. America is the freest society in the world.  According to the US Constitution,  and her state laws and statutes, apparently, she has not violated any of our laws

    Unless she is a proven danger to either herself or others, or starts advocating the violent overthrow of the US government, she has every  right as the rest of us law abiding Americans, no matter if we agree with her or not.

    She will have her "15 minutes of fame" and then maybe, it will be your turn.  So just be patient!

    It takes the free exchange of ideas in America to keep us a free nation. We do not need censorship here.

  3. She is a sick puppy alright.

    I am glad to see the news reporter didn't back down and stood her ground with this women.

    people like her are enough to turn anyone away from religion.

    In any other country, she would be locked up for her own good.

  4. Only in America,What more can I say.

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