
Why do we let politicians get away with lies & evasion of facts?

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Are we that desperate to believe only the best about one certain candidate?

Like Obama saying McCain gets contributions from oil company employees but doesn't tell us he also received contributions from them.

Is it because of the stigma attached to oil company employees or just that he wants us to believe he is above taking their money?

Opinions - I don't care who wins this election. So I am not "picking" on Senator Obama..........

I just can't understand why anyone would vote for either one of them




  1. Because the media lets it happen.  They do not insist on honest answers and play along with whatever the candidate says.  The candidate evades the answer or straight out lies and is never called on it!!!  Therefore a lot of people believe what they hear because they see it on the news.  

  2. Are you a registered voter? or are your going to leave your ballot blank? Your vote counts ! Or the Facts simply just don't matter.Just think if we didn't' have a President, Where would we be today?If George Bush never got into office would we now be at War? If Clinton ever inhaled would marijuana be legal? If Nixon never got caught running Water over the Gate to the Tapes, where would he be? And John Kennedy If he wasn't in line of some unexplained bullet , What would his life be like today? So Bo rack ABM I say if we must have a man run this country he would be the man to do so. to bring home what Bush has sent away from us all over the Oil companies , not just over the Terrorist acts that just added to his excuse, the people of the United States we rent going to sit still for what had happen to our families so Bush was backed into a corner and had some very angry families on his hands. He had no choice but to retaliate,but he could have done it allot faster and got it over with and brought our troops home by now.  ABM wants to do this. I like to see this happen.

  3.     Very simple, no one cares. Also every citizen should look at himself for why we elect these bums to office in the first place. They are a reflection of us.Don't parents lie to their children, doesn't media emboss everything and lie to us too, and we willingly accept this. This country has lost its integrity due to taking God out of schools ect.

  4. I get the point you're making, but there's regular individual contributions, and there's payola.  The contributions Obama is talking about are huge, and they're a direct result of John McCain's energy policy's supporting the oil industry.


    It's always good to find out objective facts regarding a complex situation.  Unfortunately, our media is really, really bad at doing this for some reason.  Which is really too bad, because this decision we need to make in November needs to involve more than Paris Hilton ads and old-guy jokes.

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