
Why do we let the governement continue to do things we do not agree with?

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I was never so inspired as when I was watching National Treasure part 1. The part when he is our duty to overthrow the government when it no longer follows the constitution.(paraphrasing)

This is not the USA I grew up with. Maybe I didnt know how the government ran when I was younger, but I think the government is no longer for the people. Votes by the people are overturned because of activist.

People are apathetic to most issues because they are not heard. Have you read the constitution? There is some good Stuff in there! It is the rule book for the country.




  1. "have you read the constitution"

    Yes I have.

    " I was never so inspired as when I was watching National Treasure Part 1"

    Michelle Obama is that you?

  2. the system is fundamentally flawed.....US has a corporate democracy....

    interesting question! I will watch the movie more closely next time:) and you check this site:

  3. I'll put it in Bush's words. "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier" -Bush on CNN December 18th, 2000

    That's why the gov doesn't do what its people wants.

  4. Well first you have to join a "Well regulated Militia" before you could do anything about over throwing the "Government".

    And don't go off thinking that replacing the government by force is something that is easy to do. A case in point is look at the present government in Iraq.

    I don't see them on TV chanting: "the people united will never be divided" no far from it.

    But there is still hope if you become a teacher and teach the young and the open minded to open their hearts to the "truths of our founding fathers". Then maybe you will succeed in changing the nation for the better.

  5. Keep reading! Research things like the Bilderberg group. The Council on Foreign Relations. Watch documentaries like Endgame and Loose Change. Learn about the JFK assassination. There is a lot more stuff out there too!

  6. because they have all the power.The government is the only enity that can leagally declare war.

  7. When you aren't happy with a thing, just replace it with something that pleases you.  Vote them out.  Do things in a proper manner or else you would be perpetuating the same problem you dislike.

    Always remember that we deserve the sort of governments we elect.

  8. There are only a couple of ways to unseat the current administration.  One is impeachment which the Congress seems not to want to do.  The other is charging the President and his cohorts of crimes agains humanity or treason.

    We, the people, can vote them out of office by becoming involved in your community and by casting your ballot on election day.

    Then, there is always the old-fashioned way; millions of protesters hitting the streets demanding change......  Setting up on the Mall in Washington and staying there until change is made.

    We, the people, don't seem inclined to do anything but complain.  We don't become active, we don't want to be inconvenienced in any way.  We want "someone" else to handle the problem - and tell us all about it.

    We have become an apathetic society who simply moan and groan and complain - but don't do anything to change things.

  9. if the gov were to do something so foul that it really upset the PEOPLE, yes technically we could overthrow the govt., however most of the **** that u find "disagreed" with is agreed with by the other half of the country...get over it...

  10. Remember this as all things you dislike continue to escalate:

    "The squeaky wheel gets the grease!"

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