
Why do we live in this world or what are the benefits form living in this world?

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why do we live in this world or what are the benefits form living in this world?




  1. read Genesis and Revelations in the NIV bible

    god is the benefit to living in this world

  2. thats what i would like to know!

  3. We live here because its the only planet that can sustain life, and we evolved here.  

  4. to prepare ourselves so that we can go to heaven when we die

  5. To face our Karmas of past incarnations

  6. the first big benefiteis living itself

  7. We live in this world to enjoy our planet, love one another, and learn from each other.  

  8. Life is a mystery.

  9. Egos and emotions are very important. They cause trouble and fear from which we can only learn and advance from. The irony is that egos give a point to life and a perpose. So from that you can see gods design can't yoou.

  10. Life is just life. Your born, you live, you die.

    The benefits - Maybe knowing a few people that are really good. Offspring at certain times. Love - when you're first in it. s*x and food. Animals and enjoying nature in our planet.

    Why - who knows. The question most of us ask as life just keeps on dishing out pile after pile of c**p. Most of the benefits even have bad endings. The rest - the few who are born with the happy gene. They are able to get through life and be happy hear on earth.

    Sure we all need some bad to realize and appreciate the good. However many of us are dealt out way too much of the bad.  So - why?

  11. Because we have no other worlds to live in.

  12. Some will argue that there are none, but this is a question in which the answer lies in you.  There is a reason and sometimes the answer does not come if you search too deeply..  Live each moment.  Enjoy what that moment has to offer.  Smell the roses. Don't waste time labeling or sustaining negative thoughts, or even worse perpetuating any negativity in you.  Part of the answer lies in just knowing and being alert and aware of every moment as you live.  The answer will come to you.  No one can answer the question, we can only point you in the right direction.

  13. Taking in life's experiences.

  14. Karma and Reincarnation

    Some are born happy, enjoy perfect health, with beautiful body, mental vigor and all wants supplied. Others are born miserable, some are without hands or feet, others again are idiots and only drag on a wretched existence. If they are all created, why does a just and merciful God create one happy and another unhappy, why is He so partial? Nor would it mend matters in the least to hold that those who are miserable in this life will be happy in a future one. Why should a person be miserable even here in the reign of a just and merciful God?

    In the second place, the idea of a creator God does not explain the anomaly, but simply expresses the cruel fiat of an all-powerful being. There must have been causes, then, before our birth, to make us miserable or happy and those were our past actions.

    Are not all the tendencies of the mind and the body accounted for by inherited aptitude? Here are two parallel lines of existence--one of the mind ["subtle" matter], the other of [gross] matter. If [gross] matter and its transformations answer for all that we have, there is no necessity for supposing the existence of a [mind and a] soul. But it cannot be proved that thought has evolved out of matter, and if a philosophical monism is inevitable, spiritual monism is certainly logical and no less desirable than a materialistic monism; but neither of these is necessary here.

    We cannot deny that bodies acquire certain tendencies from heredity, but those tendencies only mean the physical configuration through which a peculiar mind alone can act in a peculiar way. There are other tendencies peculiar to a mind caused by the person’s past actions. And a soul with a certain mental tendency would by the laws of affinity take birth in a body which is the fittest instrument for the display of that tendency. This is in accord with science, for science wants to explain everything by habit, and habit is got through repetitions. So repetitions are necessary to explain the natural habits of a new-born soul. And since they were not obtained in this present life, they must have come down from past lives.

    There is another suggestion. Taking all these for granted, how is it that I do not remember anything of my past life? This can be easily explained. I am now speaking English. It is not my mother tongue, in fact no words of my mother tongue are now present in my consciousness; but let me try to bring them up, and they rush in. That shows that consciousness is only the surface of the mental ocean, and within its depths are stored up all our experiences. Try and struggle, they would come up and you would be conscious even of your past life.

    This is direct and demonstrative evidence. Verification is the perfect proof of a theory, and here is the challenge thrown to the world by the Rishis. We have discovered the secret by which the very depths of the ocean of memory can be stirred up--try it and you would get a complete reminiscence of your past life.

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