
Why do we live? why are we here in the universe?

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Why do we live? why are we here in the universe?




  1. well, spiritually people would say that the fact we have "free will" is something that makes life unpredictable and is why they want to live, but scientifically.  We are just the product of nature.  

    Now i believe that what i currently do in the universe means nothing because of parallel universes and paradoxes. What this means that no matter what i do, it doesnt really affect the past or the future.  

    That was a really rough explanation, but a  way to look at parallel universes is to look at an office.  In this office there is just a room full of cubicles.  Everyone does the same job, but they go about it in different ways.  If you took a look at the office from the top you would notice that everyone would sit down and use their computer, but everyone made choices that differ from everyone.  So really if free will is the question, theoretically any choice you have made has probably already happened in another parallel universe, and my guess is if there is a god he watches all of these universes so no matter what you do it probably wont go against you.

    Honestly i cant tell you the true answer but when i think about it all i want to do is do what makes me feel right.

  2. Basically, the universe is made up of 'stable things'

    Think about it: Protons are simply the stable state of 3 quarks, because their electrical charges hold them together that way, and atoms are stable particles, where the electrical charges even out, and molecules are stable structures of atoms which clump together in order to even out their charges, and all matter in the universe is made of atoms clumped together till they are stable enough to survive long enough to deserve a name. Planets, Stars, Dirt, Waves. All stable things because that is the best way for them to be, and the most PROBABLE way for them to end up.

    Anyway, the world was made by vast amounts of atoms clumping together and being held there by gravity. At the beginning of the world, there was a huge uninhabited sea. In the sea, there was just the right molecules and conditions for them to clump together and form special molecules called "replicators".  These molecules had the ability to create molecules which are exactly the same as them, or kind of like the "opposite".

    Basically, they have "slots" for other atoms to fit in and join up, which creates a new totally identical molecule.

    After a few days, you get these huge clumps of 'primordial soup', entirely consisting of these replicators. Suddenly, a new molecule is formed, because of varying conditions or a higher probability. This molecule has the ability to make 3 different copies of itself every replication. In a flash, the entire soup is taken over by these much faster reproducing replicators, because they have a higher chance of survival and production.

    Then, suddenly, a newer molecule is formed, which has the ability to reproduce with the earlier form of replicator. It effectively 'eats' it to reproduce. You see what's happening here?

    It's natural selection. Evolution.

    A substance is evolving to make more powerful versions.

    Soon, they end up 'designing' huge survival machines, with protection systems, abilities of getting nutrition, reproduction, ability to kill, brains and ****.

    This all happens because it is the most probable thing to happen, and it's the stable way.

    So with that information, you decide the meaning of life.

    I believe it is to reproduce (like our genes want us to), then to have fun, because there is no other point.

    Life is sweet :D

  3. Depends the way you want to look at can look at the beginning of the universe in a religious way or you can look at it the scientific way.  

  4. The universe didn't *plan* to make us because it isn't an intelligent force. Its an not  alive... it doesn't make logical decisions. Einstein once said "Does God role dice?". He was referring to the universe when he said "God". The question was asking if everything in the universe was created by chance. Now that we have basically confirmed the big bang theory, we are here only for the reason of being created. Life was created by molecules coming together. Simple as that. We have no purpose, we are just here. If you want a philosophical answer, post in the philosophical section.

  5. Why not?

  6. To Love God and your neighbor.  All the laws and the prophets hang on these two principles.  

    EDIT So far Spiritual Paradigm Shift has the best answer.

  7. we are here to ask annoying questions like this one to our creator.

    he/she is a glutton for punishment.

  8. Think of the universe as a soul making machine that teaches and refines each one.

    They must all learn to overcome:

    Overcome this prison of a world ruled by serpents. Overcome materialism. Overcome your prison of flesh and all its hardwiring to fall into temptation. Overcome sin. Overcome hubris and humble yourself. Overcome hate and learn to love your fellow man including your enemies. Overcome selfishness and help the less fortunate, sick, handicapped, elderly, abused, thirsty, hungry, tired, lost, etc.

    Overcome all fear especially fear of death.

    As for this world if you overcome these things and believe that Yeshua Ha' Mashiach (Jesus) came in the flesh to wash away your sins with His precious innocent blood, then you will break out of your earthly and flesh bonds to be in the presence of the Father in Heaven. Repentance is key, but you must overcome as well.

  9. We are a part of the universe thats trying to understand itself.

  10. Science does not address 'why' questions. Your question properly belongs in the Religion & Spirituality section.

  11. 1 to field  dubious question from people like you. and why this universe  so  we can  teach people of dubious intelligence like you keep listening

  12. We are here for one purpose and one purpose only, that is to understand, explore, and explain the universe.  If you really stop and think about it, we are of the universe, the singularity. We are the universe's way of becoming aware of itself.

    Everything else in life is just a distraction from our true purpose, in my opinion.

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