
Why do we need MMA Weight Classes?? Let Fedor and Silva fight it out!?

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Doesn't this defeat the purpose of finding who's the best fighter in the world? If there's an arguement of the best pound for pound fighter, let them duel it out and be done with it. Example, Fedor usually fights opponents 30-40lbs more, so what's the big deal if Silva is outweighted by Fedor by the same margin. In martial arts, you are taught that size means nothing.




  1. The UFC didn't start with weight classes and shouldn't have them now.  I agree with the asker.  How can we know who is the best if those at the top of the list are never allowed to fight each other because of weight.  I'd love to see Matt Hughes vs. Tito Ortiz, but that will neve happen because of the stupid weight-class restriction.

  2. Fedor would completely demolish the guy...****** Dana white would even let this fight to happen cuz he knows tha Anderson would get destroyed...Dana needs to stfu with all that best pound for pound fight.....Pride fighters>>>>>ufc......Nothing against Silva hes a great fighter, but he would get wopped bad.....Fedor can own anyone in the ufc whether its middleweight heavyweight or superheavyweight.....Guy is a ****** machine

  3. the best way for this to happen is to go to a country that does not use athletic commissions( think PRIDE OW GP)

    BTW all the people who think silva can beat fedor- wake up.

  4. Silva will wipe out Fedor! I say in 2 minutes Fedor will tap or get Knocked out!

  5. it comes to ground me i full contact spar my buddy hes about 170 im around 130 ive never beat him on the ground we have weight classes so the smal guys dont get severely sensei faught a heavyweight in texas years back said he never been hit so hard and was blown around the ring first round or two only finished the fight because of conditioning....sensei is my size....size only fails to matter in the land of lethal technique when your aim is to kill your opponent dead...not sportingly knock them out...

  6. Quite the opposite. In Martial Arts you are taught to be realistic in regards to size. You wouldn't see a six year old trying karate attacks on someone who was thirty. It simply wouldn't work, and any instructor who teaches that isn't being realistic in the least. In reality, Martial Arts gives you a way to overcome some size differences by utilizing certain techniques, but it does take into consideration that size can play a big part in any fight.

  7. If those two are ever going to fight, they'll have to fight in a country where the MMA rules are less stringent/more lenient.

  8. It would be a fun fight that would never happen. I don't see silva winning though. There is just too much of a size difference. Silva fought at 205lbs aginst james irvin and won. Big deal. Let's see him face rampage jackson or someone on that level and see how good he really is. To me the only real great fighters that silva beat are henderson and franklin. Lets see what he's really made of now.

    There is a chance silva would be able to knock him out with those nice leg kicks but remember cro-cop probally has the most amazing kicks and fedor beat him pretty easily.

    Fedor's sambo/judo and defence would be way too much for the spider.

    Alot of people on the yahoo board says Fedor is overrated but then why is he so repected by henderson, cro-cop, couture, rampage jackson, big nog..etc..list goes way on.

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