
Why do we need a house?

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Why do we need a house?




  1. so we have a place to live.

  2. Only if you want to be able to have some privacy to do whatever you want in it, whenever you feel like it (anything legal of course) Have guests or be by yourself. I wish...:(

  3. there's not enuff caves..................

  4. So that we can have privacy and store things in it and not get rained on...because I know someone who lives by the ocean. Their house is made out of glass. They get to store stuff and not get rained on but have no privacy. Would you like that? I think not.

  5. you don't ,lot's of people don't I would prefer to live on a boat....but i have a house why we'll that's a good question

  6. It keeps the predators from attacking you in your sleep. It keeps you from being injured in a hail storm. It allows you to enjoy a comfortable environment and live in places where the climate would not normally allow.

    Think back to the prehistoric man, and apply it when you hear news stories about severe weather and dangerous animals.

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