
Why do we need alternative energy sources for our cars?

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Why do we need alternative energy sources for our cars?




  1. The World is running out of oil.

  2. We don't need them.  That's the irony.  People are looking for all these alternative sources when we're up to our eyeballs in them.  We keep discovering more reserves all over the place.  Alaska has vast oil reserves. We need to build more refineries to handle it but can't. The problem is we can't drill there or build more refineries because liberal activists keep interfering with getting up there and doing it.  So instead of getting the abundant, cheap, more efficient oil, they're trying to force the inferior ethanol on us which costs just as much and would be more if it weren't for government subsidies, yields less energy, and is driving up the price of everything else, such as food.  So, we dont' need it.  We only need to realize we don't need it.

  3. because cars are our main source of transportation and if we can find a cleaner way to power them then we could all be spending less money on gas and we wouldnt be polluting as much.

  4. Because oil is traded by speculaters now which means even though the U.S. is using 2% less oil this year than last year the price is going up.  The only way to get oil prices down now is to boycott, strike or find a alternaitive source to drasticly reduce oil consumption and scare OPEC into seeing that they can be replaced if they don't compete.  Battery cars and plugin hybrids can accomplish this task the faster and cheaper than any other solution.

  5. we need them to reduce the impact of oil with global warming. but also we also need them to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. if we do that the middle east has no income thus reducing terrorism

  6. We need alternative sources of energy for our cars because the fuel we use is getting pretty expensive.  People don't mind paying $5.00 for a cup of coffee, but they do mind paying the same amount for a gallon of gas.  The main reason why the price has risen, and will continue to rise, however, is that we print money to pay for things when we run out.  Printing money de-values the currency and pushes prices up (oil was around $30 a barrel a couple years back).

    Sure, some people might be motivated to do something about air pollution, but I think the priority of most people after an alternative fuel source is saving money.

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