
Why do we need personal qualities?

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Why do we need personal qualities?




  1. They make us unique but at the same time sociable. Think of those we outcast for being "useless", yeah! = no personal qualities. The word is personal but iti is more like 'siciable'.

  2. PERSONAL qualities makes us unique individuals. It can make you endearing to others and at times just the opposite.

  3. So that endearment may occur, self esteem can flourish and boredom be replaced with appreciation.

  4. To differentiate us from cave men or gorillas.

  5. Personal qualities are personal characteristics of an individual. They are what make up one's personality. They help a person get along in a new situation. For example, dependability and patience are qualities that employers would like a good worker to have. Other qualities employers value are: honesty, assertiveness, flexibility, problem solving, friendliness, intelligence, leadership, enthusiasm, and a good sense of humor.

  6. because if we didn't we would all be the same. Think about it.....  

  7. I guess we dont really need them. But then the world would be a very plain, boring place and everyone would act the same.

  8. to define who we are

  9. To avoid failure....

    The following book might be a good read if you are interested in why we need personal qualities.


    Why Smart Executives Fail

    It is a book by Sydney Finkelstein that explores corporate mistakes—what they are, why they occur, and what managers, leaders, and investors can do about them.

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