
Why do we need pets?

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Apart from acting as companions and letting us learn how to be responsible, how do they benefit humans?




  1. Pets don't judge you.  They don't look at you and comment on an ugly outfit or a stupid remark.  They love you no matter what.

    You can tell them secrets and they won't tell anyone else.

    You can learn from their lifestyle.  My dog, when he's done getting pet, he just walks away.  He doesn't really care.  He's very mellow.

    People just need pets.  End of story.

  2. They benefit humans because some people like knowing that something depends on them for food and love. It also benefits us because some people are so tired of being around people all day and hearing people complain all day that when you get home to your dog or cat, they dont complain they just want to play or cuddle with you.

    Animals are great to have.period.

  3. Well you never fall out with animals since they can't talk back, and they're always there for you

    They're also good listeners

    you might think im a moron but its true

  4. 1.they protect you

    2.they give u love

    3.u have someone to love


    just buy a pet

    they give u something to do when ur bored


  5. People keep them as pets for companians. You make it seem like its hard to understand. They benefit us by being loyal and always being there for you. Pets listen when you talk and don't interupt and can't stab you in the back. They are the truest friends someone could have. Its as simple as that.

  6. Some scientists say that animals have a better instict from humans there for they know when trouble is happening. At least some animals such as dolphins, dogs, and other mammals can tell. There has been many times animals have saved their owner's life. Ever since the tsunami in Thailand happened, scientists in China are now expierementing with animals to save many people's lives from natural destruction.

  7. People with pets are reported to be happier and live longer lives overall than those without.  People with pets live on age something like 5 years longer than people without.

    Petting an animal reduces your blood pressure and makes you more calm overall

    Basically its good for you well being.

  8. Well, for one, it's someone to tell all your secrets to, or vent about your problems with.  It's a playmate, and someone who will always love you and never judge you.  Also, they have been known to prevent heart attacks (dogs and cats at least).  No joke.

  9. As you know loads of people love and hate animals..but if you have one they make you happy and live longer
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