
Why do we need police..?

by Guest34249  |  earlier

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If everyone had guns.. we wouldn't need police. Police just create more violence. We don't need some ignorant force of losers ordering us how things work. We're in a free country, we should be independent and be able to make decisions and decide for ourselves. If there were no police, the majority would go against the minority robbing a bank, or robbing a house, per say.




  1. you are soooo's not like the police even do anything anyway. but really it's ridiculous that

  2. So you're saying that if we didn't have the laws, then people could decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong?  Do you have any idea how many child molesters think it is perfectly acceptable to do that? You are right, we are in a free country.  But some people can't be trusted to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.  

  3. There would be total wildness and lots of lost lives without our police force.They do a very hard job and i want to have somene on my side if the bad guys come in middle of the night thank you.

  4. you think that but just wait until it happens.

    we have law enforcement because of many things.  people do steal, people do kill and people will kill to survive.

    so to make everything just, there is the law.

    wouldn't you want some justification if you were hit by a drunk driver and was paralyzed for the rest of your life?  the cops are the first ones there.

    oh and i definitely DO NOT think everybody should have a gun.  we'd all try to be a bunch of cowboys.  

    a gun in the hands of the wrong person could do much damage.  that's why there are laws for guns.

  5. hahahahhaha its people like you that make me say i hate being an american hahaha...

    If ebveryone had a gun eveyone would be comiting all kinds of murders and what not. The human race is uncapable of running without a force or government.

    Hahha nice try tho. Lolz......


    Why do we need police..?

    If everyone had guns.. we wouldn't need police

    hahahha d**n this is till a funny question. What would u do if everyone wanted to kill you and your mother father and brothers whos going to protect you. You can say yourself but what if you cant and then the killing just continues. The world would go to *&^*&^*&^( if we didnt have a police force.

  6. I would rather have cops than a bunch of regular people with guns

    I like having someone to call when I have an emergency

  7. Much as I might agree with some statements you make, without something, even a bunch of lazy donut eaters, mob justice would rule.  Mob justice is by far the worse alternative.

  8. man you are stupid, as a society we gave them the power to put losers like you away! get a life and read a d**n book!

  9. Makes some sense what you say and all but, without them things would be much much worse. Thought I don't like when they're bothering me for something stupid like going 10 over the speed limit, overall I'd rather them there than not.

  10. Ok, well, with no police, I can come and shoot you and not get in trouble. Sounds like a good deal...

  11. Because the government made them to protect itself, not you.

    It's concerned about its own power!

  12. if everyone had guns and there were no police, it would be chaos, war zone, civil war,  and you wouldn't be able to go out without getting shot, if you make some mistake, you'd get shot instead of forgiven, and the life-span would be in the teens instead of 70's-80's-90's.  They can be a hassle sometimes, but you should thank them for your life.

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