
Why do we need restrict parking at schools?

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why does parking at schools be restricted?




  1. Because for a start off, NO ONE should be driving into a school who does not work in the school. This increases the chances of hitting an innocent child because the driver's child is too lazy or fat to walk an extra few yards.

    Out side a school, if either side of the road outside a school is lined with parked cars, this means the poor kids have to step out on to the road from between two vehicles, meaning that they can't see on-coming traffic, and traffic can't see them, making the chances of being run over far greater, kids can run out without looking and you cannot see them from between two cars until it's too late.

    Even parking directly outside a school should be banned and strictly policed in my view.

    But also, in my view nobody should be running kids to school in cars, let alone be able to stop outside a school to drop them off. Especially when the kids have legs to walk with and also there are perfectly good school busses available.

    The school-runners are the reason that traffic is so bad in the mornings.

  2. As stated above, limited amount of spaces and to keep out unwanted vehicles that have no business on school property like criminals you know.....

  3. The number of spaces are limited. Only seniors are allowed in the school's parking lots where my son attends.

  4. Because underclassmen don't deserve to park on school grounds!

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