
Why do we need the F-22 when the F-35 is as stealthy and cheaper

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When I think about this it seems like a big waste of funds. In theory, the F-35 will be about half the price. Even though it may not be as fast, it is a multirole fighter, while the F-22 is solely an air superiority fighter.




  1. The aircraft have different missions and roles.  The F-22 is a air superiority fighter aircraft so is used to fight enemy fighters or shoot down bombers and has no other capability really so is not needed in Iraq or Afghanistan where attack/ground support aircraft are needed.  The F-35 is a multi-role aircraft having fighter capability (though not as good in that role as the F-22), ground attack and close air support roles are the primary mission.  The "F" designation is really a misnomer and it is really an F/A, like the F/A-18 and should really have been designated and "A" as attack aircraft.  "F" for fighter sounds "sexier" though so everyone can be a fighter pilot.  Like calling the F-117 which is a recon and light attack aircraft and "F" instead of an "R" or "A"; just a publicity thing.  The answer above about the F-22 being truly the multi-role aircraft is just wrong-it has a single role and that is to shoot down other aircraft.  The F-15 was modified over the years that it was in service to do the other missions/roles but initially was also a pure fighter aircraft and like the F-14 had extremely limitted if any attack or ground support capability.  Carrying a few air to ground missisles does not make an aircraft a ground support or attack aircraft.

  2. Because the F-22 is actually in production and in use. The F-35 is not in production, and therefore not in use. That makes the F-22 superior.

    ""It is not ever going to be used in the war on terror"" It IS being used!

    ""Meanwhile the F-35 is versatile enough to be an asset to defeat air forces and be effective at bombing terrorists/ground targets."" But only if it is fully approved and actually does what it is intended to do.

    ""F-22 is solely an air superiority fighter"" Air superiority does not mean 'only a dog fighter'. An Air Superiority Fighter, like the F-15, is more than capable of of providing air support. An Air Superiority Fighter is the true multi-tasker.

    And the F-35 is still NOT in production!

  3. The F-22 is designed to defeat any current or projected enemy fighter.

    BTW - The SU-35 and latest versions of the SU-27 were designed to shoot down the F-15.  (Remember that the F-15 is a 30 year old design.)

    And how many advanced air-superiority fighters do the Taliban have?  The F-22 is designed to high threat environments - _not_ close air support!

  4. The F-22 would kick the F-35's a$$.

    Therefore, we need the best air superiority fighter.

  5. To use ANY planes you must have air superiority.   The F35 is a good plane but not designed specifically for that duty.  The F22 is.

    Also it is NEVER a good idea to have all your eggs in one basket.  If the services went with one plane design and some major problem was discovered that grounded that plane design,  you would have no planes left to fly.   By having at least two different plane designs,  the chances are you would still have something in the air.  

  6. Air superiority might be the F-22's only role, but it's still better at it than the F-35.

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