
Why do we need the moon, what's the points? without the sun there is no light, so it become dark. so what role

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does the moon play in the sky? the only thing it does is stand in the middle of the sky




  1. It provides light at night which makes the lovers very romantic and sensuous. Volumes and volumes have been written on moon light and lovers and romance , beloveds beauty also has been compared with moon. It should be more important to people on YA more important than sun, the romantic crowd.

  2. It's gravitational pull causes tides in the ocean, for one. There's probably other benefits that I'm not aware of.

  3. it helps us to stay us in our orbit. because it can make our gravitational pull stable or else we could be too near the sun and end up as venus no moon so it is closer to the sun . to close to the sun too much heat. too much heat water could evaporate. when water evaporate we can drink nothing. drink nothing and you will be extinct. and life with it

  4. it controls high and low tide and gives light at night to name a couple

  5. A major purpose is to light up the night. The moon reflects the sun’s light on to us even when the sun is on the other side of the earth.

    Another reason for the moon is to show the seasons. The moon orbits the earth roughly once a month causing regular phases in a 29½ day cycle (see diagram below). So calendars could be made, so people could plant their crops at the best time of the year.

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