
Why do we need to be reassured in life?

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Like lets say I ate a big dinner and I am trying to lose weight. But I knew that was a bad thing to have done, but I did it anyways. So I tell people all about it, in hopes that they will reasure me that everything is going to be ok. Why do we do this in life?




  1. were all morons.

  2. Sounds like you are unsure of yourself and want someone else to control you.

  3. In my opinion:

    We reassure others because we want to be kind. We seek reassurance because facing the harsh truth is sometimes more than we think we can bear.

    The truth of the matter is, eating large dinners on a regular basis will help you lose weight, so long as you eat a meal that's balanced with your activity level.

    Everyone wants to be thin, for example, because we have a societal value that fat is unhealthy (and this isn't always true, but it's what we're taught to believe). Combined with the anorexic drug-addict look that's "in" in the modeling world (and has been for a good number of years), this reinforces an image of beauty that simply isn't healthy. And yet, we strive to attain it.

    Reassurance is the same way. We reassure others so that we can, in turn, obtain the reassurance we need when we know we've screwed up. And even when we haven't, we sometimes take this onto ourselves, because reassurance is the only way that some of us know that anyone else in the whole world gives a d**n. Such reassurances are not healthy for us, and yet we seek them out.

  4. to convince ourselves of our own accomplishments and or decisions.

    deep down you knew you could because you know that one meal isn't critical.

    live life, enjoy it and reward yourself.

  5. we want to feel good about ourselves. but what we need to learn is that so what? everyone regrets stuff they did. we need to learn from out mistakes instead of trying to reasure ourselves other people understand and approve of our mistake

  6. Because, ultimately, it is political philosophy which all else swirls around.

  7. I don't and it's annoying when people do.

    You just wanna be mothered maybe and be told that everything will be ok.

  8. to make you feel better....or worse.

  9. cuz we r a needy species. we need to b told u shouldnt have done that but that its is okay that we did.i think it has do do with how parents always get mad at their kids and then say that whatever they did is fine cuz they r good kids.

  10. I totally get you.  But I have no idea why we do that.

  11. we all crave some form of acceptance

  12. I guess because when you have a support group or someone who cares enough to want to comfort you, it doesn't seem so bad. Even if it's something little. Everyone wants to feel like they matter to someone and this is one way of making sure.

  13. We all just want acceptance from the people we care about... I hope you're having a great week, dear!

  14. I don't.

  15. Because must of us have low self esteem and need others validation for everything we do. Society creates standards that most could never live up too..

  16. For comfort, so that we don't feel guilty about some of the decisions we make...even though we know that we should feel guilty anyways, that "everything is going to be ok" line kinda just gives us the " free pass" card.

  17. We need it so that we can feel safe and comforted... it's something most people do without realizing it...

  18. It is just some thing a person does to make themselves feel better when they really know deep down it was not the right thing to do.  Now ... there really isn't anything wrong with eating a big dinner now and than.   Love honey

  19. it makes us feel good about ourselves.

    cant beat getting a compliment.

    by the way did i ever tell you that you have the...........................

  20. we as humans do this sort of thing because we want positive reinforcement, and one of the best ways to positive reinforce a behavior is general approval...therefore, even though we know we did something wrong, we try to justify our actions and look to other people that we trust to verify that what we did was in fact ok

  21. We need to be aware of everything around us, even if it takes time.

  22. b/c we are insecure...i think everything plays out exactly how it i suppose to....i am proably the most guilty of needing reassureance. sometimes anxiety can be so overwelming that it runs our life.

  23. Humans are a social creature, and as such we usually require reassurance from our peers if we have done something that (for whatever reason) makes us feel guilty or embarrassed. It's a way of convincing yourself that your behaviour is "normal" and that you were not wrong.

    It's a pretty natural psychological response. Depending on your personality, there isn't a lot that can be done about it.

  24. strengthen ones own confidence and self esteem in LIFE...

    ...thanks for asking...

  25. Probably because we all care more about what other people thing about us rather than what we thing about ourselves. We want to be reassured that everything will be OK and people will still thing the same of us after doing something bad.

  26. The question tells us towards "control of our wishes or mind" to get pleasure as pointed out by the questioner by citing one example.As we want pleasure  and most time name and fame among others we do such things by knowing the facts such habits  or acts can harm our life or our life can come to an end.Instead of controlling of our habits or due to knowing the fact of our bad habits,we reassured in life as cited by the questioner in the question. Thanks & great day.

  27. You tell people about it because you trust that they will say something that will give you hope and enough strength to help you reach your goals. You're dependent on other peoples' advice and directions. It's a way to reassure ourselves that we aren't the only ones going through something no matter how bad it is, and it always feels good to know that there's someone else out there and that you're not alone.

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