
Why do we need to conserve energy?

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Why do we need to conserve energy?




  1. Because we're going to run out of non- renewable fuels like, oil ,gas (natural), and coal.  The less we use the longer it lasts.

  2. Well, if we don't we won't even HAVE energy

  3. We need to conserve energy because there is a finite amount of it on our planet.  I can't quantify how much energy that is since there are many untapped sources now.  But, because we also currently possess a finite ability to create energy, it's possible to consume more than produced.  If we don't conserve energy, we may run out of it at times (recall the California blackouts?) when the demand is too great.  

    Also, conserving energy helps keep the price down in certain markets.

  4. For the sake future generations, no generally for us. You kids and mine are going to need resources in order to just survive.

  5. While it is true that most of the energy used today is non-renewable and there is a finite supply, we also need to consider the environmental impact of using some of these finite resources. Burning coal and oil add CO2 to the atmosphere, so each time you use energy you are contibuting to a problem as well as using a finite resource. Eventually all that will be left will be renewable energy, but by that time if we haven't been careful with how we spend the non-renewable resources we would have made an even bigger mess of our world.

    Conserve because the supply of resources is limited and because the use of those resources is making a mess. It also saves money and is pretty cool too.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

  6. Because there is only so much Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas out there.  Each day we are using more of what we have left.  Unless we can slow down our usage of these fuel sources, we may not have them long enough to discover and mass produce new energy sources (such as Wind, Solar, and Nuclear).

    Regardless of how a person feels about things like Global Warming...The fact is that we only have so much of the fuel sources we use every day, and each day we are getting closer and closer to the Empty mark.

  7. A gram of prevention is worth a kilogram of action. It's much easier to reduce the consumption of an enrgy form than it is to clean up after it.

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