
Why do we need to learn algebra and geometry in our lives?

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Why do we need to learn algebra and geometry in our lives?




  1. Because you can get a better job and make more money and then get a better car.


  2. So you can take Chemistry, or if you decide to get into Medicine or mostly any other good paying job or respected college.  

  3. You may never have realized it but you use algebra and geometry everyday of your life.  Even with just counting stuff to computing your groceries to estimating your monthly expenses. You even use geometry when you pack your stuff in your bags.

  4. I have been looking for a good answer to this question throughout the last few years, but I can't find a single good reason.

    Don't trust those that say that you'll use it some day.  Unless you're going to be a professional scientist or mathematician, it's useless to you.  Flip through your algebra or geometry books and look for real world examples, chances are you won't find any, and if you do, they're made up.   This is because life isn't as simple as algebra and geometry.  You'll rarely need to know formulas for area or volume, because you'll rarely have shapes that are sufficiently regular to approximate with the formulas.

    Mathematics, however, teaches a way of thinking that is good.  It helps you learn to think logically, in the way that can help you solve problems that are completely independent of mathematics.  So while you don't need to learn it, it's certainly helpful, if only indirectly.

    The only other good reason for learning math is it's intrinsic beauty, but notice here that I say math not algebra or geometry.  There is beauty within this fields but it is harder to see than the beauty of number theory or complex analysis, fields which you'll probably never learn about.

  5. I will refer you to the book:

    Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences

    by John Allen Paulos  

  6. cause in some jobs u have to need math

  7. Let's just say you wouldn't be enjoying your computer, TV, radio, your HOUSE, cellphone, movie, and all other good things today if it weren't for Algebra, geometry and other maths.

    Engineers and scientists invent and discover things for us by using maths. That's undeniable!

    Besides these, our geometry teacher used to tell us that the importance of math is not confined to all the theorems and stuff we learn, IT IS THE WAY OF THINKING THAT WE DEVELOP IN MATH that is the most important.

  8. what those guys said ^^^^^^

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