
Why do we need to wear school uniforms?

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Why do we need to wear school uniforms?




  1. The idea of a uniform is to give the wearer a sense of "belonging" and unity with fellow wearers. A uniform is something which should be worn with pride, and while wearing it, every effort should be made not to bring disgrace upon it.

  2. To maintain unity

  3. easy to identify that you are a student... think about why police ware uniform...


  5. well the people in charge usually say its to reduce competition from how you look but I go to a private school with uniforms and there is still lots of competition with how people look. which is why i think they're pointless in the end

  6. Just another way to control you I guess, my school doesn't have them but they control you in ever other way. If I missed 10 days from being sick without a doctors note they'd kick me out and many other stupid rules.

  7. So that people would recognise which school they come from and it's like the whole school is a team. Anyway, you don't have to choose your clothes every morning without getting late... Also sometimes, people tease other people about being poor or not having good style because of the clothes they wear and it kind of keeps people's privacy of the way they live in private.

  8. so other people wont be jeleous if someone has nice cloths and they cant aford them

  9. it's a moo point

  10. to maintain order and uniformity and unity i guess

    also to reduce competition for who's got the best clothes

    personally i think it's better to have school uniforms, just chuck it on in the morning, no need to think over what to wear

    on the other hand, my school uniform isnt very warm in winter (like now) and is not very good looking

  11. It's easier to maintain a dress code (i.e. no pants that sag so low you can see underwear, girls dressing too provocatively, etc.) when everyone is dressed the same, plus it theoretically removes social hierarchies created between the kids who have money to buy designer clothes and those who don't.  I think it works well for the first one but not for the second.  Most schools in the U.S. don't require uniforms though, mine didn't.  It's just some of the private schools that do here, most of the public ones will have dress codes but not a uniform.

  12. These links give the pros and cons over wearing school uniforms.

    A list of debating points about Mandatory Public School Uniforms

  13. its because there will be problems with jeleousy if you have really nice clothes taht someone cant afford.  Also so everyone looks the same, and looks equal and formal, easy for people to know your a student and its conpulsory

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