
Why do we need use to alternate energy source?

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how can fossil fuel harm us




  1. It a/effects the us more than just in the small sector called "The Environment." Global Warming will eventually melt the ice caps and then there will be a substantial amount more than what the Earth is already covered with (70% water). Then, if and when we run out of fossil fuels, what will we be our primary source of energy then? Thus with that question, it will probably increase the amount of crime and spending just on people's commute to work and to other places, thus promoting a higher lever of poverty.

  2. the answer to your question is why wouldn't we want to change....

  3. Fossil fuels s***w up forests, digging giant pits and mines for coal. They have come a long way in alternative energy. You can use the wind and harness electric. Plus sell what you do not use back to the electric company. We could have done this along time ago. Electric companies are powerful,

    and they want nothing to do with energy saving.

  4. After all the common sense answers are given try this.

    Energy is neither created nor distroyed it simply changes form.  (Enstein)

    If you always convert one type of energy to another, you create a surplus of another form. This creates an imbalance. Generally change is into heat. Gas engines - wasted output is heat.

    By using alternate energy waste energy is in many forms creating a more balanced outout of waste energy.

    An other good reason to use alt. energy is it will annoy the oil producing pirates.

  5. Fossil fuels are bad in numerous ways and we need to find alternative fuels because:

    Fossil Fuels are Finite, Green fuels are infinite or close to it

    We are about to run out of fossil fuels

    Fossil fuels are dead dinosaurs and plants so when they are burnt the release CO2 aka Carbon Dioxide.

    Carbon Dioxide stays in the atmosphere holding heat that is reflected from Earth's surface thus heating the planet and melting the ice caps and raising sea's, causing major weather and climate shifts.

    that is why we need to find other sources of energy!!!!

  6. Because someday we will finished the natural we need to find an alternate energy source. Fossil fuel will harm us by releasing carbon dioxide gases and caused global warming..

  7. The main reason is we are going to run out of oil soon, like withing 50 years.

    The second reason is the pollution from oil and gas is causing acid rain which damages our plants and trees that gives all living things oxygen.  This will damage our food chain and we might not have much food left to eat.

  8. Because we are destroying the earth, which is our home, and if we no longer have a place to live, water to drink, clean air to breath, and food, we won't be living. That's the simple version.

    There is so much information available to us now about the harm of fossil fuels.

    For example combustion of Coal, like any other fossil fuel, produces carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides along with varying amounts of sulfur dioxide, depending on where it was mined. Sulfur dioxide reacts with oxygen to form sulfur trioxide, which then reacts with water to form sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid is returned to the Earth as acid rain.

    Coal power plant emissions are responsible for tens of thousands of premature deaths annually in the United States alone. Modern power plants utilize a variety of techniques to limit the harmfulness of their waste products and improve the efficiency of burning, though these techniques are not subject to standard testing or regulation in the U.S. and are not widely implemented in some countries, as they add to the capital cost of the power plant.

    Coal and coal waste products including fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, and flue gas desulphurization contain many heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, mercury, nickel, vanadium, beryllium, cadmium, barium, chromium, copper, molybdenum, zinc, selenium and radium, which are dangerous if released into the environment. Coal also contains low levels of uranium, thorium, and other naturally-occurring radioactive isotopes whose release into the environment may lead to radioactive contamination. While these substances are trace impurities, enough coal is burned that significant amounts of these substances are released, resulting in more radioactive waste than nuclear power plants.

    Power plants... well it's just easier if I give you a link, otherwise i'd be typing for hours:

    16 Dirty Secrets About Nuclear Power

    Even our ideas of good oil, like palm oil, are harmful:

  9. global warming caused by carbon dioxide is a myth. if the earth is heating up because of carbon emissions then why is every planet in our solar system heating up at the same rate. Don't get me wrong, i am all for cleaning up the air and reducing our dependence on foreign oil but for Al Gore to start this stupid scare scam is insaine.

    By the way, the number one green house gas is water vapor not CO2

  10. Already we may have reached the highest production of oil we will ever see. That is called peak oil. From now on, the cost of extracting oil will only increase sharply.

    Coal appears to be in adequate supply for another generation.

    Natural gas appears to be available in large volumes just off shore in the arctic. Getting that to market will be more costly, but may last a couple generations.

    If we want to have our fossil fuels last several generations we need to cut back on consumption very soon, very deeply. But we would like to continue using energy.

    Other countries may not be willing to allow us to use up the last dregs of lower cost oil leaving them to pay more to extract the deeper saltier, sour residue.

    We have already incrfeased the CO2 content of the earth's atmosphere substantially. This will be contributing to global warming, but not alone causing it.  We would like to slow that warming process, even if it may be too late to stop it.

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