
Why do we no longer use the Term "Buy American"?

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Have we sold our PRIDE in American made out for cheap junk that tears up and has to be replaced on a regular basis?




  1. Because as a country we owe China sooooooooooo much money that we have agreed to import nearly everything from them. So if you look on a label and see China........... thank your wonderful president(who couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag) BuSh...

  2. We've lost our minds!

  3. Maybe all the affordable American Manufacturers have all gone to Mexico so they can pay cheap labor.Wasnt that a NAFTA thing?

  4. Because we sold out.

  5. I haven't sold out!  I don't shop at Walmart, I don't buy Chinese products, I don't deal with companies who advertise 'hablemos espanol' or if I have to press 1 for English.  I will vote against Clinton in our primary and for the Repub (ugh) if Clinton were nominated.  I am proud to be an American!

  6. What is driving our economy is the service sector...Do this, that, and the other thing for me...Bring back the manufacturing jobs and let's produce like we once did. Republicans and their FREE MARKET mentality have indeed sold us out!!!

  7. when Clinton opened our doors for the trade to be going to other countries we stopped. we don't know where our stuff is made at any more. we still can see on stuff that says assembled in America

  8. bc we have become a country that relies on service and not manufacturing, we make NOTHING

    therefore that term isnt as applicable

  9. Of course!  We have outsourced ourselves to third world countries!

    There is no more "Buy American" because we don't manufacture 100% of anything here anymore.

  10. I havn't heard that for awhile too. I think the main reason is almost everything we have over here is from foreign countries. Even our American cars are made in other countries. We need to buy american products to help our country out, but they are hard to find.

  11. In order to REALLY push that ideology, the citizens need to take pride in their country, (i know some people will disaggree) but there is no sense of nationalism in United States. Yeah, we all bought flags and posted them everywhere after 9-11, but where are they now? It only lasted for 3 months. In other countries, Europe and Middle East in particular, if the public says-don't buy American, they tend to mean it and stay by their word. Even not buying American might hurt their economy or cost them more, they have a pride in their homeland, however, pride in your homeland in long term does hurt their economy. And its sad to say that, you don't see that much of pride and nationalism in US. Citizens in US are more concerned about money and savings rather than where the product is made.

  12. Probably because it is no longer possible to buy American.

  13. If a company was smart, they'd be trotting that out this year while everyone is afraid of China made goods.  Particularly with toys.  Parents are desperately looking to find toys made in the USA to avoid more lead scares.

  14. I hear that phrase more than EVER now!

  15. because it you dumb asses a full century to realize its all c**p

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