
Why do we not see the President sing, dance, crack jokes, or change his style in public views? The queen does.

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Why do we not see the President sing, dance, crack jokes, or change his style in public views? The queen does.




  1. I have seen him:

    Dance (it was all over the news. It was sad and hilarious)

    crack jokes (His skit with his doppelganger at a correspondents dinner was hilarious, I give him that)

    change his tone and style (He can be grave or light-hearted, I don't know how genuine or fake it is)

    I've never seen him sing. I don't want to.

    I would also like to say that the Queen is not worthy of admiration in my view. What has she accomplished, other than being part of a wealthy family? She is a defunct figurehead, nothing worthy of admiration.

    Now, if she had earned a position of power, used it wisely, or donated most of that excess wealth to righteous causes, I would have a different opinion.

    Much like the Catholic church. Quite a rich organization. The Pope sits on a gold throne, or so I have heard. So much for the vows of poverty.

    Seems to me a real church would house both the sick and the poor, and attempt to solve real world problems.

    Sorry, that was completely unrelated to the topic. I have much criticism for the rich and powerful, even though I am not a socialist.

  2. if he did that everyone would be screaming that he is making fun of his position or taking advantage of it. We would wind up having senate hearings over the whole thing. They would subponea all of his aids to find out who taught him the different dances, jokes, etc. He would declare executive privilege and it would wind up being all over the news.

  3. The queen has been around forever, and the President for only a relatively few number of years. She has a different function, plus I don't think he looks as good in hats.

  4. What do you mean, our great president is cracking jokes non stop!


    Behind the scene...

  5. Probably because he can't.

  6. Do you honestly believe that GWB even HAS a sense of humor?????

  7. He is the Joke, he can't change his style, Barbara won't have any of that.

    We did see the President with a distant Putin on the news: As Putin turns away the Pres. pats him on the back in front of the camera's smiling like they are old buddy's. Putin turns back lookin red-faced mad.

  8. The Queen does, perhaps, but does Gordon Brown?

  9. Yes, he's a total buffoon. A total joke as President,  "Christian", and a human being. No shuffling of his feet is necessary. I've never seen the Queen act the fool in public, but of course Bushie isn't acting.

  10. Isn't it obvious?  The puppet master retired and didn't bother finding a replacement.  Now, his son is left, ill equipped, to speak for himself.  

    BTW, did *you* hear him say on national television that he was not going to let you [US citizens] tell him how to run *his* government???  The puppet master forgot to tell him he gave him a presidency, not a dictatorship.

    What happened to the belief in a government of the people, by the people, for the people?

  11. The President is a more serious political figure than the queen. The queen has less political power than the president. The queen is more of a cultural figure so it is more accepted and encouraged with her.

    Oh and I don't mean a particular president or a particular queen just in general.

  12. you mixed up the two.

    The president is a clown of a figurehead

  13. Because the President can lose his job in the next election and the Queen is the Queen until she relinquishes the throne.

  14. Check this out ! Recent trip to Africa.

    Hilarious!! yet sad.

  15. Because most Americans are so retartedly picky that if the president acts like a human, they stop respecting him. Everyone thinks that the president is supposed to be 100% perfect all the time and he can never ever make any mistake or do anything at all. The last time the president choked on a pretzel, everyone made a big deal out of it and said that he was stupid, as if they've never choked on anything in their entire life...

  16. The president wishes to be seen as serious most of the time. However, at the press gathering last year, Mr. Bush was given some lines to deliver and was actually pretty funny, and went something like this...

    "Last year, at this time, we were receiving news that the poll numbers were hovering around 42%, my nominee for the Supreme court has been rejected, and my Vice President had apparently shot someone....oh those were the good old days...".  - George Bush

    His public views on the other hand are not subject to debate. We were going into Iraq from the day after 9/11 - no matter what., basd on multiple eyewitness accounts of the affairs of state with respect to the president. By November of 2001, Mr. Bush was quoted as saying in reference to Saddam Hussein, "F*&* him. We're taking him out...",  (See "The One Percent Doctrine")

  17. well first of all he does it all the time

    you have to take of  the mute and listen to him talk


  18. Our president can't even say a complete sentence, let alone sing, dance, or change his style.  He is however a joke unto himself at least give him credit for that.  And, I did not vote for him.  Did you vote for your queen????

  19. Maybe I've just been alive longer or watched the news more closely than you. I've seen one or more dance, sing and crack jokes. (So far, they've been better dancers than singers, and I haven't found most of their jokes funny.)

    I wasn't paying attention to style, but it might have to do with only being office for 8 years and men's styles not changing much and aging less than 50 years in that time--all though some looked 20 years older when they left. The queen would look pretty silly now in the same dresses she wore in her late 20's in, say, 1954.

  20. His jokes always seem to make others look bad or dead.  

    "While I am a compassionate Christian man, I'm a believer in tough love. Yes, love your fellow man, and yes, even forgive him. But the bible also says 'an eye for an eye.' Now I feel real bad for some of those sorry *** folks we've put to sleep, and I forgive'em, that's why I'm a compassionate conservative. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't put them down when the time comes. The law is the law, and I've taken an oath to uphold the law, so help me God or my name isn't George W. 'Lethal Injection' Bush."

    Bush: "I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude."

  21. The little man is too uptight for his grownup job.

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