
Why do we pay Military Chaplains?

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Why do we pay for military Chaplains? What happened to seperation of church and state? Atheists don't need them. Why should they pay for them in taxes?




  1. Have you ever been in combat?  There are no atheists in battle.  And why not support the majority of the military people who do believe in a God.  Don't stop a good thing like supporting those on the front line just to save YOU a few bucks.

  2. you know - I love coming to the military section in YA.  Mostly because its the only place stupid questions get shot down factually and without apology.  Its the only section I actually get a chuckle out of seeing idiot questions posted - I actually look forward to them just so I can read the answers.  Thanks a lot, ladies and gents, for the general smack down to absurd questions.  You make my day.

  3. We have Chaplains because they are spiritual counselors. They are not just for religious ceremonies but they are also a person you can talk to in the event you have any issues emotionally or within your chain. They are a neutral advocate for the command and they instill a sense of unity within the troops.  

  4. Because that is his job.

    There are less athiests in the military than believers so the majority wins.

    Just shut your ears when you hear one praying. And pray that you never need a prayer while in combat.

    And who's we? Do you pay enough taxes to pay even one chaplins salary?  I think not, you have to have a high paying job to do that.

  5. Chaplains have a Job. As do you. You get paid, so why shouldn't they? Just because you don't utlize their services directly, does not mean that they should be out of a job. With your mindset- that would mean that the military shouldn't pay your a$$ while on deployment if you didn't utilize your "medic" services. The civilians in america didn't utilize your services either so why should their taxes fund your paycheck? You don't believe in god, yet you sure don't have a problem spending the money you "earn" that has IN GOD WE TRUST written clear accross it, do you?

    For someone who's in the military, and promised to serve and protect the freedom of america, you sure are a selfish person.

  6. Because many soldiers feel comforted (myself included) believing in something more then themselves. Also, why shouldn't they get paid? They're out there in the line of fire with the rest of us. I have alot of respect for chaplains, and priest I know who is also a chaplain and a university professor just left for his deployment. He didn't have to join the army and I'm sure he's giving his salary back to the community instead of spending it on booze and liquor. Do you think they're so worthless they shouldn't get paid? Remember not all the Chaplains are priests some are reverends and have families at home. Think of something other then yourself.

  7. Perhaps you could show me where in the US Constitution is says there shall be a separation between Church and State?  I can't find it anywhere.    Besides, they're not there strictly to give Sunday morning sermons.  The Chaplain's Corps is there to provide spiritual support as well as emotional support.  It is a resource available to you, just like Family Readiness Group or any other emotional support program.  You're not obligated to see him, but he is there for those that do need him.

    Any why is it that so many Atheists are so hellbent on doing away with religion?  Couldn't you just be like the rest of us and accept that people are different and believe different things?  I could care less if you're an Atheist.  It's your own prerogative.  Save yourself some stress and don't worry about others and their beliefs.

  8. So let me get this right... just because YOU don't need them YOU think they shouldn't get paid? What about the people that do need them? Obviously they outweigh people like you. They perform a service, they are a pivotal part of our military, and many of those who would want/need the services of military Chaplains could not afford to pay for their services themselves.

    Your logic is crazy. So do you believe that until you need medical services the people who work in the hospital should not be paid? It just doesn't make any sense. Maybe if you had found God you would be less bitter, and not be unfaithful to you wife. Just reading your other questions and answers make me pity you, for you do not know what you are missing in life.

    I am guessing you are one of those people who believe that Americans should have freedom FROM religion instead of freedom OF religion, which I find pitiful. In the end military Chaplains perform a service no matter if you like it or not, and will get paid because of the services they perform.

  9. Q: Why do we pay for military Chaplains?

    A: They have a function that includes counseling for military personnel beside their religious duties.

    Q: Why should they pay for them in taxes?

    A: They serve functions as commissioned officers in the military and naval service, thus they MUST be paid IAW the laws of the land. On the tail end of the US Army job description for Chaplain (56)...  Provides leadership for moral, ethical and human self-development programs.

    Q: What happened to seperation of church and state?

    A: The phrase separation of church and state is generally traced to a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, in which he referred to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as creating a "wall of separation" between church and state. It was never intended as OFFICIAL US government doctrine or Holy Writ (pun intended).

    Here I thought Airborn was more correctly spelled as A-i-r-b-o-r-n-e, funny thing for a real life Airborne Ranger to spell incorrectly.  I haven't misspelled Marine in over 30 years.

    I would want words said over my dead body.  I don't care what you want as an Atheist.  I don't flaunt my religion in YOUR face so, PLEASE, do not flaunt your lack of belief in a higher power in my face.  

  10. I think people like YOU should be in the military on a COMPLETE voluntary basis..NO PAY AT ALL, and receive pay from those you protect when you actually protect them (sort of an a case by case, time spent basis).  How's THAT grab ya?

    Could you cite the section in the U.S. Constitution that says "there shall be sepAration of church and state"?  No?  I didn't think you could.  It's NOT in there.  DUH.  Guess you slept through U.S. History or Civics class.

    Don't you have something else to occupy your mind other than with  those folks with religious affiliations?

    Thank you for your service to our country, and also a chuckle at your expense.

    (USN, retired, 1965 -85/in-country Viet Nam combat vet)

  11. Chaplains serve more than just a religious purpose.  They provide non-religious counseling to those who ask, and provide ancilliary support to the unit and personnel.  

    JSLewis81, your comment shows your ignorance. There have been many athiests in the military, and in combat.  Your statements are a disservice to them and their service!

  12. We had a great article in our base paper about this, written by the person involved.   This young officer was deployed and shared the tent with the chaplain.  Young one was atheist and despised having to share tent with chaplain.  Didn't care about the others in the tent, just the chaplain.  First deployment, having a rough time, not coping well.  Chaplain saw this and asked if he would like to talk about what was upsetting him.  What started out as a no ended up lasting over an hour.  And he ended up talking with him once a week about how he was doing.  At no time did the chaplain ever force religion on him.  He was just there to listen and to be a support.  

    And for being paid by those who want their service?  There are a lot of things on base that I personally never use.  But I'm sure glad they are there for those that do use them.    

  13. Because it takes forever for the military to catch up to the rest of society in terms of civil rights, equality, and political sensitivity.  I love the Air Force, don't get me wrong, but it's a waste of my time and an insult to have to listen to prayers before every dining out, or some other such religious b.s.

  14. There is no separation of church and state. Its not in the constitution its in Thomas Jefferson's letters. The 1st Amendment on the other hand doesn't allow the Government to pick one religion. The Declaration of Independence was not written by Atheist when they mentioned "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God " William Emerson served as the first Chaplin in the Continental Army.

    As written by George Washington the best president and General this country has ever known.

    "New York, July 9th, l776

    The Honorable Continental Congress having been pleased to allow a Chaplain to each Regiment, with the pay of Thirty-Three Dollars and one third dollars pr month - The Colonels or commanding officers of each regiment are directed to procure Chaplains accordingly; persons of good Characters and exemplary lives - To see that all inferior officers and soldiers pay them a suitable respect and attend carefully upon religious exercises. The blessing and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in times of public distress and danger -The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man, will endeavor so to live, and act as becomes a Christian Soldier defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country."

  15. The Chaplains are not for you...why would you be so biased and be a soldier at the same time?  There are other god-fearing people who rely on them.  Nobody is going to bend backwards for a Pagan like yourself!  I obviously don't think you been in actual combat, therefore you have no realization of the combat stress that we go through.  I was an atheist before I joined the Marines.  After my 4 years of combat duty, I begin to have a turn of heart and now am a believer of my creator. (that will be you) out of the rest 4 million service members will beg to differ.

    And it isn't violating the church and state.  When you are in court, people have to swear the oath by putting their hand upon the bible.  Would you claim that not being separation of state?  You need to research the real meaning of 'the separation of church and state' as you are not fully aware on what if means and it entitles too.

  16. You should, of course, re-read the Constitution.  Nowhere within that document does it ever mention separation of church and state.  The First Amendment merely states that there will be no established state religion.  There are Chaplains for every major religion represented within the military no one religion is favored over another.  The presence of Chaplains is not an attempt by the government to establish a state religion.  

    Not all people in the military are Atheists, are you going to dictate to them that they cannot observe their religious rites when deployed?  

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